5 HUNQUU UA = i Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.........+-++: 42 American Brass Co. ....eccecee eee reeere 21 American Bridge Co......-. seer ee teres 36 American Pressed Steel ‘Co........-.---> 34 American Shipbuilding Co. Front Cover, 67 American Spiral Pipe Works ....-..-++-- 35 B Babcock & Wilcox Co.....-.eeeeeeeeees is Benson Electric Co. *...... cesar eer eects 29 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd. .... 8 Boland & Cornelius Boston & Lockport Block Co........---. 37 Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co..... 37 Cc Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co.......----0:- 34 Columbian Bronze Corp. ...--..-++eseses 36 Columbian Rope Co. ....45 fies elle cies 10 Continental Iron Works, The ........-..+> 41 Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine Build- Ceti Olona Sear reer yo caer Back Cover Crandall Engineering (Co. .....--eee-ee eee 34 D Detroit Shipbuilding Co.....Front Cover, 6, 7 Durable Wire Rope Co........--seeeeees Kuve E Electric Storage Battery Co........c.00-. 11 Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical Works.. 19 Harley, award (Pi, Cons. ie eee 38 Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.... 25 Bederal ‘Telegraph . Cog, ic. cues ene see 23 Foster. Marine. Boilet: Corpses ais ois 6:3 Gino's e's 38 MARINE REVIEW sm Fil a G Great Lakes Engineering Works .......... 20 Griscom-Russell Co.,. The ..0 ccc ccc eens 33 H Haynes, ey ei ey ck vee cele egrets 14 Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co...........- 12 Piyde Windlass (Cou 2i.0 5 5 ose estes Back Cover I International Mercantile Marine Lines.... 42 Tsherwoodss i We i slace os os acorn vera ates a or 31 J Jerguson Gage & Valve Co.............. 37 K Wreatingy= a5 Bee COe ns cae gic s es spores 39 Kohlen (Company scones ete ee re eaten acs 17 L Lidgerwood Mig: ‘CO. ci. vices Hein cae cnwe 34 Linde Air Products Co...... Inside Front Cover Teombard: Governor COe dacs csesc ences cree 35 M Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp............ 36 Maxim Silencer CO. 6 aii soccee sites woes 32 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc.......... 42 Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co.......... 41 WSs. JW Oe cc nie sae co ea eae eas 27 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co.......... 39 O Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc........ 39 Oliver “tron 8° Steel “Corpuc icaie ee ae ors 32 Mrsenigo Cos, ING. aia ey cre eae gee ee 9 Osborns&: bangepsdness «powermt nw 38 January, 1925 ip Ii ININUUUUUUUUULUU TELA INUIT il P Phoenix Ice Machine Co........--seeee- 39 Post, E. L., & Co., Inc......... sere eeeee Ba Power Specialty Co....... cece esse ee eeees 36 Prest-O-Lite Co., Inc........ Inside Back Cover Prindiville, John, & Sons ...---sseeeeeree 38 R Radio ‘Corporation of Agwerieade< oy kad fe 33 Ritchie; (Eo Si,2:& SONS (ess ove ce ses wen) 38 Ss Sheriffs Manufacturing Co.............:- 34 Siggers: & -Sigmerse os peace ais ele oe 38 Sperry, “Gyroscope: “Goes ie asin eens ew 3 Stratford, George, Oakum 'Co............. 29 Sturtevant, “Diy By) COves teat cc es . 42 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co...... 18 Superneater eGon er otis os reas tee a ate 32 Superior Tron’ Werks (GOs. v0 cei neon 23 a THebGUuts Wiss ed a ose hice ein a IG eee oD Todd: Shipyards. -Corpe ysce bs aunts teehee 16 Toledo ‘Shipbuidine Co... s. hee kee con os 13 TECOUt ebay (Orci ar 42 ‘Polen Lube: & Pipe Corn. ccales eon cone aa 37 U United’ American Lines see es 42 V Vacuum Oil “Co, 13 ot uct cae ae eee 4 Ww Warren: Steam: Pump Co... os. cere cues 33 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co........ 15 Wheeler, H. J., Salvage Co., Inc..31 (Editorial) White, “Kelvin <& Wilitid Os Go. 38