42 S. S. Boston, built by Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Lid., at Sparrows Point, Md. S. S. Boston The new Steamship Boston — one of Eastern Steamship Company’s Metropoli- tan Liners — like her sister ship the New York, is equipped with Sturtevant Ven- tilating Apparatus. Here, as on many other prominent ships, Sturtevant Ventilating Equipment was selected on account of its rugged con- struction and efficient operation. On the Boston eight Sturtevant units are installed, each unit consisting of a No. 7 design 3 Multivane Fan and a 5D water- tight motor. Every piece of this venti- lating apparatus was properly designed and installed to meet the individual re- quirements of this ship. Probably the suggestions of a Sturtevant Engineer will be helpful to you in planning the ventilating system on your ship. No obligation whatever in soliciting sugges- tions and recommendations. B. F. STURTEVANT COMPANY Plants Located in Hyde Park, Mass. Framingham, Mass. Sturtevant, Wis. Camden, N. J. Berkeley, Cal. Galt, Ontario Sema FRSTOLW.O.RK—— Sales engineering offices and direct representatives in every commercial center of the world. 1176 MARINE REVIEW January, 1925 UNITED AMERICAN LINES Joint Services with HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 39 Broadway, New York Passenger Services New York to Cherbourg, Boulogne S/M,Southampton, Dover, Cobh (Queenstown), Hamburg. New York to Hamburg direct. Freight Services New York to Hamburg direct Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk to Hamburg and Bremen. New Orleans to Hamburg and Bremen. U. S. West Coast Ports to Northern Europe. New York, Baltimore and Savannah to United States West Coast (Jointly with Houlder, Weir & Boyd) WORLD WIDE FREIGHT SERVICE FREQUENT SAILINGS PROMPT FORWARDING 112 SHIPS 1,200,000 TONS 53 Years’ Experience International Mercantile Marine Company White Star Line American Line Red Star Line Atlantic Transport Line Panama Pacific Line Leyland Line White Star-Dominion Line A. C. FETTEROLF, Freight Traffic Manager No. 1 Broadway, New York City Propeller Wheels, Marine Engines, Brass and Iron Castings. Large variety of Grate Bars in stock. H. G. TROUT CoO. (King Iron Works) 226 Ohio St. ‘ BUFFALO, N. Y. Phone: Seneca 5361 ANDREW J. MORSE & SON, Inc. 221 High Street BOSTON, MASS. Established 1837 Diving Apparatus and Submarine Armor Fire Department Supplies The Morse Monitor Nozzle Callahan Shut-Off Nozzle Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of vessels Providence, R.I. U.S. A. CATALOGUE F REE Please mention MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers