Rida: sii til tai cht MeaakKRIiL NE REVIEW January, 1925 a ue continued long service rendered by Parsons’ White Brass S. A. (special alloy) is due to its high elastic limit under com- pression and its Brinell hardness, both being considerably more than of the ordinary babbitts. Again we recommend carrying on board ship from 100 to 500 lbs. of Parsons’ White Brass S. A. (special alloy ). REG. U.S. PAT. OFF, Write for a price On YOur requirements. Electric Telemotor and Rudder Indicator Absolutely re- liable. No troublesome Can be seen in operation contacts. Positive follow- at our up. NewYork Office, No lost motion. Straight course steering. Accurate rudder angles. Easy and inex- pensive instal- lation. No. 8 Reade Street Write for literature. a " Bae a a ee Re eee ae a RE A ee rapes ~o * Sp i ae Pe ds Aen oa Re eR ae tle See BS its Bil oT il a eames aaa Pare plan er ee NT AC aS aT