8 MARINE REVIEW April, 1925 Announcing THE GREAT LAKES RED BOOK for 1925 ORE Great Lakes business is in sight than ever before — so if you want to know who’s who and what’s what, you will need THE GREAT LAKES RED BOOK for 19235. It is a complete list of vessels plying the Great Lakes, with the names of the owner, captain and engineer of each vessel. Contains a separate list of the ore carriers, showing the capacity of each, and a list of the supply houses, fuel docks, repair men, etc., at each port. ' Because of its convenient vest-pocket size, The Great Lakes Red Book is depended upon by vesselmen and others interested in Great Lakes trade, as the most complete, reliable Actual size 3"x 334" and convenient directory of its kind. 160 pages To be sure of getting a 1925 book—mail this coupon NOW THE PENTON PUBLISHING CO. Date Book Department Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave. & W. 3rd St. CLEVELAND, O. Enclosed is $______________for which you are to send, postage prepaid, copies of The Great Lakes Red Book for 1925. Price “— $1.00, a: ostpaid Address Please mention Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers