MARINE REVIEW Name—CAartTALINa. Owner—Wilmington Transportation Co. Builder—Los Angeles S. B. & D. D. Co. Naval Architect—L. E. Caverly. Launched—May 3, 1924. Completed—July 1, 1924. Classification—American Bureau of Shipping. HULL PARTICULARS Length overall, 301 feet 7%4 inches; length be- tween perpendicular, 285 feet; breadth molded, 52 feet; depth molded, 21 feet; draft, 15 feet 9 inches; displacement loaded, 2939 tons; gross tonnage, 1766; net tonnage, 1161; passenger capacity, 1909; cargo capacity, none; bunker fuel capacity in tons, 143; speed, 16% knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engine—Two vertical triple expansion steam engines, built by Hooven Owens & Rentschler Co., size, 20% x 35 x 60 inches and 36-inch stroke. Boilers—Four water tube boilers of Babcock & Wilcox make; size, 13628 square feet of heat- ing surface; fuel, oil. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Pumps—Dean Bros. Co.; Worthington Pump April, 1925 DESCRIPTION This vessel has a spon- son type hull and serves as a day passenger ferry between Wilmington, Los Angeles habor and Catalina Island. By the use of special davits and life boats it was possible to carry all the life saving equipment on the main deck thus leaving the top or prom- enade deck free for pas- sengers. & Mach. Co.; United Engineering Co. Windlass—Los Angeles S. B. & D. D. Co. Capstans—Los Angeles S. B. & D. D. Co. Steering Engine—Hyde Windlass Co. Propellers—Los Angeles S. & D. D. Co. Oil Burning Equipment—Babcock and Wilcox. Electric Generators—Engberg. Radio Apparatus—Radio Corp. of America. Life Saving Equip.—Welin David & Boat Corp. Feed Water Heater—Griscom Russell Co. The CATALINA jis a steel twin screw passenger steamer, with the greater part of the saloon deck glass-enclosed for dancing. There are 12 sitting rooms on the main deck and two private rooms, in- cluding the owner’s quarters on the promenade deck. Numerous rest rooms are included on the main saloon and promenade deck for the comfort and convenience of the passengers. Her main drive consists of two reciprocating engines cach connected to a single propeller. The hull is of steel construction throughout with a double bot- tom extending from the collision bulkhead to the after peak bulkhead. The double bottom is sub- divided for carrying oil for fuel and water ballast, and both forward and after peaks may be used for ballast or as trimming tanks. 2. Hh ES aes ene ees Sty la a io 3 a be rd ett ellie ered cee eee - ae Sar ay ay fe OE eee ieirn hie. es pe sobeteniotfolae ee ekjatajeyap baker erp retapal orks 8S