16 MARINE REVIEW May, 1925 Fit Out With Columbian The Dollars and Cents profit, derived from any commercial vessel, is governed to a large extent by service and life of its essential equipment. It is therefore wise to select that equipment which will last the longest and give satisfactory, dependable service. The knowledge of this fact should lead you to investigate the guaranteed Columbian Tape-Marked Rope for your cordage equipment. Many letters from satisfied Captains, who have fitted out with Columbian, prove that it stands up under the most severe usage, and is the ideal Rope for all around rigging. Write for a sample of Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope and the name of our nearest distributor. Hi-Nezsies- fromm COlumbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers