May, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 19 ~PORT NEWAR The most strategically located shipping port on the Atlantic Seaboard—tapping the richest source of export and domestic cargoes in America More than 15 per cent of the total population of the United States lives within two hundred miles of the Port Newark waterfront. Forty-one of the one hundred largest cities of the country lie within two hundred miles of it, in- cluding four of the ten most important centers of population in the United States. For diversity of. products—of mines, farms and factories—this section of the country is without a parallel elsewhere in America. The products of this vast workshop find their way to every place where civilization has penetrated. A net- work of trunk line railroads and motor highways carries them to tidewater. At Port Newark— where seven of these important trunk line railroads terminateand most of the motor highways converge—the products of the SCHENECTADY 6 BINGHAMTON pecibeeee nose Duman OWILMINGTON easiest outlet to the markets of the world. Port Newark has been scientif- ically developed so as to make the ALBANY 0); PHILADELPHIA 06 CAMDEN, ) aS most of this strategic location. With a thirty-one foot channel at mean low tide, and several miles of newly built docks along a seven-thousand foot inshore ship-canal, Port Newark offers superior navigating and loading facilities for practically any class of shipping. A belt line railroad connecting the main trunk lines with the waterfront eliminates the necessity of lighterage. A number of modern fireproof warehouses provide abundant storage __ space for goodsawaitingdistributionor recon- signment. There is also ample open stor- age space. Many progressive shippers and manufacturers have arranged for terminals, warehouses and docking facilities at Port Newark. They have taken ad- vantage of reasonable land values that are bound to in- crease greatly within the next few years. Now is the time for you to look into the _possi- bilities of Port Newark in re- lation to your business. THOS. L. RAYMOND, Director Department of Public Works Newark, New Jersey. The Department of Public Works has prepared a comprehensive book entitled ‘‘PORT NEWARK", telling all about this remarkable development. A copy will be sent to you free upon request. Write for it today.