MARINE REVIEW July, 1925 TARRED HEMP FITTINGS All Columbian Tarred Fittings are made of high grade fibre. They are uniformly tarred and nicely seasoned. Items of interest to every Fisherman can be found in the following list of Tarred goods manufactured by the makers of the famous Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope. Columbian Yacht Marline Columbian Houseline Columbian Fine Marline Columbian Ratline Columbian Marline Columbian Spun Yarn Columbian Roundline Eureka Tarred Marline Columbian Seizing Eureka Tarred Houseline Columbian Hambroline In any one of the above products you will find fittings which will suit your purpose exactly and give you great satisfaction. 3 . Rete ers a-Ne EE SEIER A i By Invitation Member ff ” 1 Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N.Y. Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers