July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 80-foot tug Hugh O’Donnell; O’Donnell Lighterage Co., operating in Hudson River and New York State Barge Canal. Powered with a 300 H. P., 4-cycle, mechanical in- jection, 6-cylinder Nelseco M. A. N. Diesel. —and now Mechanical Injection! Nelseco Diesels are built under M.A.N. patents; 2 or 4-cycle type; single or double acting; mechanical or air injection; in 4-cycle, single acting type from 100 H. P. to 800 H. P.; in 2-cycle, double acting type, from 1000 H.P.to 10,000H. P., suitable for yachts, tugs, freight and passenger vessels. A 180 H. P..Nelseco Diesel is conveniently placed for your examination at PORT ELCO 247 Park Avenue New York, N. Y. Demonstrations made on appointment. N their constant search for still greater operating economy, Nelseco engi- neers have for two years been engaged in the development of a Nelseco M.A.N. Diesel of the mechanical injection 4-cycle type, which they now offer in sizes from 100 H. P. to 450 H. P. Long-continued tests under service conditions have shown the remarkably low fuel consumption of .405 lbs. per brake h. p. hour: 10 to 15 per cent less than with the air-injection type. The elimination of the air compressor removes one inherent weakness of air-injection Diesels, and assures more consistent service and lower main- tenance costs. The design presents many detailed refinements; individual fuel pumps en- able the engineer to keep each cylinder at maximum efficiency and, if neces- sary, to change fuel nozzles while running; the noise of intake air is completely muffled; and, should repair or overhaul be necessary, a cylinder can be com- pletely dismantled in an hour. Nelseco engineers will be glad to present to interested executives detailed information concerning Nelseco M. A. N. mechanical injection Diesels. THE NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE CO. Groton, Conn. U.S.A. Established 1910 First to operate under M.A.N. license Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers