280 New Trade RECORDING THERMOMETERS—Catalog No. 1803 just published by the Bristol Co., Waterbury, Conn., to supersede catalog No. 1302 discusses gas filled thermometers for temperatures between 60 degrees below zero and 1000 degrees Fahr. The book, which is illustrated and of 56 pages, shows the variety of scale ranges and mechanial fittings which make the thermometers adaptable for wide uses in industrial plants. WELDING TORCHES—An automatic shut- off welding torch is described in a _ folder of the Bastian-Blessing Co., Chicago. The torch has a trigger for turning off the gas and is so arranged that once the torch is ad- justed, it may be turned off and relighted at will without affecting the gas mixture. These torches may be had separately or in com- plete outfits. SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR STARTERS—Bul- letin No. 799 of the Electric Machinery Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, describes and illustrates au- tomatic starters for synchronous motors. Since the self starting synchronous motor is of com- paratively recent development, this bulletin MARINE REVIEW Publications explains the underlying principles of operation and suggests the proper type of starting equipment to be used for various installations. Automatic starters are of two classes, namely, full voltage starters and reduced voltage starters. Details of both are given. YOKE RIVETERS—Another of its series of booklets on riveters of various types for many uses has been issued by the Hanna Engineering Works, Chicago, describing its line. Details of construction and operation and engineering data are shown and the range of work for each device is given. WELDING AND CUTTING EQUIPMENT —Various types of acetylene generators are de- scribed and illustrated in a 48-page catalog published by the Oxweld Acetylene Co. Chica- go. Other welding and cutting equipment is described, including blowpipes, both heating and cutting, regulators, gages, manifolds, de- carbonizing outfits, hose connections, tablés, trucks, etc. SHIP REPAIRS—A description of one of Boston’s largest and most completely equipped ship repair plants is given in a bulletin dis- July, 1925 tributed by the Atlantic Works. This company has been in the shipbuilding and ship repair- ing business for 7l-years. The facilities of the company are described by text and _ illustra- tions, emphasis being placed on its drydock facilities which include floating and railway drydocks from 500 to 8000 tons capacity. The latter is the only large floating drydock in the immediate port of Boston. DRILLS—A pamphlet of the Cleveland Twist Drill Co., Cleveland, gives full details of speed and feed tests made at the recent American Railway association convention at Atlantic City.. World’s drilling records for cast iron and machinery steel were established. COMBUSTION CONTROL—Carrick Engi- neering Co., Chicago, manufacturer of boiler plant equipment, has described thoroughly the various methods and systems of automatic con- trol of combustion, in a 32-page treatise recent- ly issued. This booklet analyzes the conditions and problems presented in co-ordinating supply of steam with the demand, and illustrates the discussion with many charts and graphs. In a 16-page bulletin enclosed in the same binder, the Carrick company publishes com- plete specifications together with diagrams and list of equipment for the 83 methods of au- tomatically controlling boiler room equipment. This bulletin primarily is for consulting and designing engineers. Complete, authentic and concise tables and information are presented in accessible form. | Business News for the Marine Trade Ellis Transportation Co., New York, has been incorporated with 200 shares of common stock no par value to conduct a dredging busi- ness by E. Bijou, L. A. Lessing and L. J. Stokes. P. F. Farley, 27 William street, is at- torney. r Hacker & Fermann Inc., Detroit, has been incorporated with $10,000 capital to do a gen- eral brokerage and insurance of boats, hydro- planes, engines, motors and parts by William E. Fermann, Evadne J. Fermann and John L. Hacker, 1183 Philip street, Detroit. Illinois Dredging & Construction Co., 5 North LaSalle street, Chicago, has been incorporated with $50,000 capital to engage in general con- tracting business, specializing in waterside work, by M. W. Whittemore, C. A. Spenny and F. I. Pease. Narragansett Shipbuilding Co., Portsmouth, R. I., suffered partial destruction of its plant and yards by fire, May 21 . Huff, Daland & Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y., manufacturers of airplanes and parts, have bought a portion of the former shipyard of the Merchants Shipbuilding Corp., Bristol, Pa., about 380 acres, and will establish a . plant there. Morris Levinson and associates, Newburgh, N.°Y., have bought the former plant of the Pendleton Shipyards, Mystic, Conn., which was devoted to the construction of wooden vessels. Their purpose has not been an- nounced. The city council of Port Arthur, Tex., is seeking two 50,000-gallons per minute and one 20-000 gallons per minute motor driven pump- ing units for drainage service. Chicago Dredging Co., 5 North LaSalle street. Chicago, has been incorporated to conduct a land and water contracting business with $50,000 capital by Myron W. Whittemore, Charles A. Spenny and Frederick I. Pease. Myron W. Whittemore, 5 North LaSalle street, is correspondent. The dominion government at Quebec appro- priated $5,000,000 for the improvement of Que- bec harbor. University Travel association has been formed at New York with $5000 capital to conduct a navigation business, by A. J. McIntosh, M. Anderson and F. J. Fulton, with W. S. New- house, 92 William street, as attorney. Dorie Nautical Corp., New York, has been incorporated with $10,000 capital, to main- tain a maritime business with F. R. Still, F. Berg and C. F. Chapman as incorporators and J. McK. Wright, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, as attorney. Rafael DeCastillo & Co. Corp. has been incorporated for $500,000 at New York to conduct an import and export business, with R. and R. C. and H. E. DeCastillo as_ in- corporators and J. L. Robinson, 2 Rector street, as attorney. Purdy Boat Co., Port Washington, N. Y., has been formed with $50,000 capitalization, to manufacture and deal in motors, by M. G. Herold, D. B. Vail and W. B. Quigley. Bald- Hutchins & Todd, 120 Broadway, New York, are attorneys. Gulf -Transport & Trading Co. has_ been incorporated under Delaware charter to run ships from Houston, Tex., to Gulf and At- lantic ports. The company has a capitalization of $200,000 and was incorporated by J. W. Davis, J. H. Reynolds and L. M. Reynolds of Houston. Edward P. Farley & Co., Wilmington, Del., have been incorporated: to aid in development of commerce by transportation on ships of the merchants marine, both domestic and foreign. The company has $2,000,000 capital. The Houston Towing Co. has been organ- ized at Houston, Tex., to buy the D. W. Ryan Towboat Co. W. D. Haden is president win, of the new company. W. A. Wansley, president, and J. R. Guyon, treasurer. Suderman & Young Towing Co., Galveston, Tex., has been incorporated to take over the tugs formerly owned by Suderman & Young, Inc. The latter company will continue in the stevedoring business. Charles and A. D. Suderman and John Young are officers of the new company. Sound Boat & Engineering Co., Ine., Col- man Dock, Seattle, has been organized to build and repair ships ranging from 3800-foot length to transoceanic boats. J. Winslow is one of _ the officers of the new company. The Unit Navigation Co. has leased the large dock on the Mississippi river at St. Louis from the Inland Waterways Corp. The Unit Navigation was organized recently with $10,000,000 capital, and operates under the name of the Sunco System. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Wilmington, Del., plans installation of additional equipment at its Harlan shipyard. Edward Hinkey has bought 12 acres on Big Island, Sandusky, O., plans to build on vice secretary and it; a shipyard. Two docks 600 feet long will be constructed. Decatur Passenger Boat, Co., 208 Millikin building, Decatur, Ill., has been incorporated with $60,000 capital to build pleasure and pas- senger boats by John V. Walker, Carrie Walker Raymond Elliott, Lloyd Elliott and Fred J. Brook. Universal Travel Bureau, 196 Main street, Brockton, Mass., with Albert E. Wood, man- ager, is prepared to offer trayel service in con- nection with steamship passage on all lines to every part of the world. Also for around the world cruises, and for independent and conducted all-expense tours to’ Europe, the Mediterranean, West Indies, Bermuda and South America.