July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 23 Any Infringement on the Wheeler System for Removal of Sludge from Fuel Oil cae willbe Prosecuted WHEELER i BROOKLYN SALVAGE N.Y., ULS.AS- Removed Mechanically Oil Sludge and Dangerous Gases mechanically removed from oil tanks in a quarter of the time and at half the cost of the hand removal. For over five years the H. J. Wheeler Salvage Co. Inc. have demonstrated the efficiency of their system by cleaning more than 2500 tanks in the port of New York. Among the internationally known vessels using the Wheeler System are the following: Leviathan Majestic President Roosevelt President Harding Western World Southern Cross American Legion Conte Rosso Aquitania Orizaba Olympic Van Dyke Kroonland Mongolia Port Franchises Franchises to operate under the Wheeler system for any American port or group of ports giving exclusive rights are offered at outright sale. Fran- chises for foreign ports are also available. Actual demonstrations of the efficiency of the Wheeler System under working conditions may be seen upon request at New York, Mobile or Galveston. Patents Issued Patents Allowed United States England Sweden : Canada Mexico Denmark Barges in the Port Belgium France Holland Italy Germany Japan of New York. Norway H. J. WHEELER SALVAGE COMPANY, Inc. 224 Bush St. 1 ea ae Brooklyn, N. Y. Operating 4 Cleaning Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers