July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 25 Sturtevant Marine Equipment Sturtevant manufactures alargeandvariedlineof— Mechanical Draft Equipment Turbines Motors Blowers Ventilating Sets Heaters : Generating Sets, Exhausters The U.S. S. Trenton—like her sister ship the Gasoline and Steam Engines Raleigh—is Sturtevant equipped. This appa- ratus is giving most satisfactory service. Marine Heaters and 19 Hull Ventilation Fans meet all heating and ventilating requirements. g : ; 59 turbines fulfil the following duties— Sturtevant Equipment is built for long and de- 12 drive forced draft fans : ; 6 drive main and auxiliary circulation pumps pendable service. If you are contemplating 8 drive condensate pumps “11: : ‘ Btn, oo ald Gas building or conversion, let the Sturtevant Marine 2 drive distiller circulating pumps A Dp : : 4 drive main feed pumps pparatus epartment help you 1n the selection 25 drive individual turbo oil burner blowers. of proper apparatus for your ships. Sales engineering offices B. F. ey COMPANY, HYDE PARK, BOSTON, MASS. Berkeley, Calif. and direct representatives Divisional Factories: Camden, N. J UE Q' in every commercial cen- ga. te Sturtevant, Wis. Galt, Ontario Ho: EW eee AT TRS EOS WO. RK—. ter of the world. 1316 MARINE DEPARTMENT of American Bridge Company FRICK BUILDING PITTSBURGH, PENNA. BUILDERS OF STEEL BARGES for RIVERS and HARBORS CAR-FLOATS Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers