July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW Marine keview THE NATIONAL PUBLICATION COVERING THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY WATER NEW YORK—CLEVELAND—LONDON Published Monthly by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. A. at Cleveland ; BT FARO os iis 5 oe ce eels Managing Editor Gn 2h. POAGR. 66. aa ca Advertising Director Wy WN, PIGKEN,. fo ees Advertising Representative at New York Joseen Fuller. oi... 66 0k: : Advertising Representative at Chicago HO. Bartineel sc oer s ee Associate Editor at London, England Vincent Delport.(. ...665 ea. seeess European Manager IN THIS ISSUE Vol. 55 JULY, 1925 No. 7 Page Why Stop at Scrapping 2007................ 243 Express Freighter Shows Up Well........ 244 Don’t Let Shipbuilding Decay................ 245 Safety Depends on Good Pilots............ 247 Marine Exposition—November 9-14.... 248 Build Good Diesel Engines.................... 249 Boards “Devicit Ie Large... cic cca 254 Admiral Palmer Speaks Plainly............ 255 Review of Latest: ROOK Gs ii.ciscicciveniecescccas 256 Converted Diesel Electric Tanker........ 259 Malolo Building Progresses Rapidly...... 261 Take Tankers Are Busy awe... 263 Fleet Head Should Negotiate Sales........ 265 Prom the Old Log Bo0ee..:.4.....%:...:..... 266 Latest Marine News in Pictures............ 267 Late Decisions in Maritime Law............ 268 Equipment Used Afloat, Ashore............ 269 New Pacific Terminals Are Efficient.... 273 Late Flashes on Marine Disasters........ 276 Marine Business Statistics Condensed.... 277 What the British Are Doing.....:..........5 278 TE POG OCC cociibscceessccnsiessvoseveas 279 WHAT READERS WILL FIND ‘This publication was one of the first to recommend the scrapping of useless govern- ment ships. It is pointed out in an edi- torial in this issue that though the present program calls for scrapping 200 ships, there are 321 additional surplus and useless ships which should be liquidated at once. A prominent shipbuilder proposes a unique and an effective plan for support of the ship- building industry. Admiral Palmer of the Fleet corporation in a careful analysis shows that continued government ownership will ultimately cost $40,000,000 a year. An important new terminal development in Seattle is described and fully illustrated. The application of diesel electric drive to a large tanker shows the possibilities of this type of propulsion. : _ Many other novel and interesting side- lights on equipment, ships and shipping ac- tivities will be found in this issue. BRANCH OFFICES BOSTON - = + = += = + 426 Old South Bldg. CHICAGO Sole ee ras re LAT, People a. Gas. Bde. CINCINNATI - - - - - - *+© - - - 408 Edwards Bldg. NEW YORK - - - = = -2203-2206 No. 220 Broadway PITTSBURGH See ue so ee 214640 Oliver Bing: SAN FRANCISCO - - + - -675 Monadnock Bidg. WASHINGTON - = - - + + 84 Home Life Bldg. FOREIGN OFFICES PARIS, FRANCE - - 23 Rue de la Bienfaisance (VIIIe) LONDON, ENG. - 2-3 Caxton House, Westminster, S. W. 1 BIRMINGHAM, ENG. - - - «+ = Prince’s Chambers Cable Address IROTRAPEN, London Subscription, United States and its possessions, $3 per year; Canada $4.00; Great Britain and other Foreign Countries, £1:0:0, Single copies 35 cents. Back numbers over three months 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. will supply the trade with MARINE REVIEW through the regular channels of the Ameri- can News Co, European Agent, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Member, the Audit Bureau of Circulations, Associated Busi- ness Papers, Inc. and the National Publishers Association. En- tered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1925 by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. aR ae a nc ce