July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 31 The greatest aid to Navigation Standard Oil Tanker R. J. HANNA No Lives Lost No property lost—no delays—due to fog! Such is the usual record when the vessel is equipped with a Kolster Radio Compass, enabling it to proceed with safety and without delay during foggy or thick weather. Masters reports from vessels of the Standard Oil Fleet, U. S. Transport Service, Pacific Steamship, Ford Ore Carriers, and its installation on many other fleets, indicate the accuracy and reliability of the Kolster Radio Com- pass. The Kolster Radio Compass is recog- nized and heralded as the most im- portant invention of the age for the protection of life and property at sea. Its universal use is inevitable. Write for Bulletin 25 - Just off the press FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO 25 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK CITY Japan - China Representatives : Sperry Gyroscope Co., Mitsui Building, Tokio Z ais Nii Wy] Ye $4 a ae 3 KN, ij { i \ / if i / i z \ ook TG y! a } ; ei a Se | fh typ W ay AN hf Ne iy \ sath yn a oy : iF Lt . j hide Jai Hy yi! pn me yh In the Old Clipper Days, STRATFORD OAKUM was the choice of the master ship builders all along the Atlantic sea board. In the present day of high labor costs and high standards of efficiency, Stratford Oakum is still supreme. Its superior quality and real economy have been proved through nearly a century of service. GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM CO. Jersey City, N. J. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers