38 MARINE REVIEW July, 1925 Labor Saving Marine Equipment DAKE Steam Steering Gears for tugs and steamers are made in five sizes, from 5 to 15 H.P. Can be installed in the Pilot House, requiring little more floor space than a hand rig. They insure quick, easy, safe and efficient handling of vessels at minimum cost. DAKE Steam Snub Line Winch for fast and easy handling of the heavy wire snub line used in locking vessels through the Welland and St. Lawrence canals. Every canal going steam vessel should have one. Its a safeguard and a money saver. Write for catalog and full particulars DAKE ENGINE COMPANY, “wicnican™ (—sTapLisemD. see, ) SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. A restful night on Lake Erie Makes a pleasant break in your journey. PROPELLER A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a W HEELS ag age sleep and an appetizing break- and ast in the morning. Steamers ‘‘SSEEANDBEE’’ PROPELLER “CITY OF ERIE” BLADES “CITY OF BUFFALO” to fit any hub. Daily, May Ist to November 15th Leave Cleveland. . : . M. ° . °° E eee: Seattle | MILWAUKEE, WIS. | Arrive Cleveland. . *Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO” arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Niagara Falls, Eastern and Canadian points; Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and points west. Ask DUR A BLE WIRE ROPE your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C&B Line. New Tourist Auto- ° mobile Rate, $7.50. The Marline Served Rope Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the Great Ship “‘Seeandbee”’ and 32-page booklet. The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., Cleveland, Ohio For All Ships Purposes Fare $5.50 PS “SEEANDBEE?— Especially adapted for ey cea Be CARGO WHIPS oo ae TOPPING LIFTS GUY TACKLES DURABLE WIRE ROPE COMPANY BOSTON, MASS. Chicago Cleveland Philadelphia New York By VY For extreme service specify TYLER GENUINE CHARCOAL IRON— knobbled by hand in the old fashioned way—built up layer upon layer to any thickness desired—tested to 1000 Ibs. hydrostatic and meeting all requirements of U. S. Steamboat Rules and Regulations, American Bureau of Shipping and A. S. M. E. Code Committee. TYLER TUBE & PIPE CO., Washington, Pa. WAREHOUSE STOCKS A. M. Castle & Co., Chicago, III. h -Peter Co., A. M. Castle & Co. of Washington, Seattle, Wash. any & Fie indice poyt pes Inc., Johnson-Peter Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. ouston, Texas : Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers