July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 39 MANITOWOC Shipbuilding Corporation Ship, engine and boiler builders and dry dock proprietors. Two dry docks enabling us to dock ships up to 510! keel length. Excellent facilities for prompt and econom- ical repair work. MANITOWOC, WISCONSIN DROP FORGED WELDLESS EYE BOLTS ROLLED THREAD GALVANIZED OR PLAIN DEAN BROS. Vertical Duplex Pumps Where space is limited this Dean Brothers Durable Duplex Upright Pump is the logical installation. 16" DIAM. WITH EYE 3%” INSIDE Bgl ec 34” ee 2 i db It fits in without ? sacrificing QUICK SHIPMENT accessibility. Investigate! RP. OLIVER IRON AND STEEL CO Write for Catalog No. 107 1001 MURIEL ST. PITTSBURGH, PA. JEAN BROS. C0. /NDIANAPOLIS. NEW YORK OFFICE 149 BROADWAY ISON SUSPENSION FURNACES FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS Uniform Thickness — Easily Cleaned — Unexcelled for Strength Also FOX CORRUGATED FURNACES Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, or any other requirements ESTABLISHED 1863 Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS West and Calyer Streets BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Greenport Ferry from East 23rd Street, New York ESTABLISHED 1859 INCORPORATED 1887 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers