July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW a “Tc ET R am AA DE AHOLT pont complete by The American Shipbuilding Company, the Greater Detroit and sister ship Greater Buffalo represent the highest development of luxury and speed in combination with maximum passenger capacity. ‘They are 935 feet overall, 96 feet beam —have a passenger capacity of 3330 and speed of 21 miles per hour. The main engines, boilers, winches, windlasses and a large part of other major equipment, were designed and built complete in our shops. Iga yy, Ll py 73 } py 7, LI V/ 1. 1 y) hath A vA | i | “ol Ton AN il il" 5 I Repair Plants at: mi (i CLEVELAND LORAIN DETROIT BUFFALO ’ al aan dil HICAGO MILWAUKEE SUPERIOR | a il i l ntl hi wlll D4 2 ention