10 MARINE REVIEW cylinders. August, 1925 Large-Unit Type Beth- lehem Oil Engine, 1575 to 4650 B.H.P. Units of four, six and eight OIL ENGINES large-unit type The Large-Unit Bethlehem Oil Engine is a two-cycle engine whose capability has been amply proved by long service at sea. Ship-owners whoconvert steam vessels to motorships with the Large-Unit Bethlehem Oil Engine can do so with- . out excessive cost because it can be installed with the minimum number of alterations, and in the existing machinery space. The Large-Unit Bethlehem Oil Engine is built in sizes of from 1575 to 4650 B.H.P. and in units of four, six and eight cylinders. small-unit type The Small-Unit Bethlehem Oil Engine is ideal for propelling tugs, ferry boats, yachts and similar craft, and for driving generators and other machinery in motorship installations. This is atwo-cycle, Diesel-type engine. It is simple and rugged inconstruction, and therefore combines economy in upkeep with economy in fuel con- sumption. An attached pump supplies scavenging air. Fuel injection is by the airless method. Built in sizes of from 50 to 480 B.H.P.. and in units of two, three, four and six cylinders. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD., BETHLEHEM, PA. GENERAL SALES OFFICES: 25 EROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY District Offices in Boston, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Chicago, and San Francisco BETHLE Small-Unit Type Beth- lehem Oil Engine, 50 to 480 B.H.P. Units of two, three, four and six cylinders. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers