August, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 15 i cnr WILLIAN H WARNeR & NGBERG Generating Sets in- stalled on vessels operating on the Atlantic and Pacific, also on the Great Lakes are practical en- dorsements which bespeak con- fidence in the unfailing quality of Engberg Equipment. The preference for Engberg Direct Connected Generating Sets is the direct result ofthe built-in merit —the simplicity, compactness, durability and ease of handling, all of which guarantees long time reliable service with low opera- ting and maintenance costs. Thirty years of successfully meeting the exacting demands of engineers, naval architects, ship builders, operators and owners stand behind every Engberg unit. ENGBERG’S ELECTRIC & MECHANICAL WORKS 22 Vine Street, St. Joseph, Michigan, U. S. A. Mii wTHESTANDARD FOR 4 Vertical, Enclosed Say Se1f-Oiling, Steam ENGINES & GENERATING SETS GENERATORS MOTORS SWITCHBOAR DS Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers