How Successful Dock Operators Have Met Problems of Giving Best Service to Ships Dock Management Progress Section First unit of the Encinal Terminals, Oakland, Calif—A double tracked apron permits of interchange of freight direct from “ship to rail. argo Moved Direct from Ship to Rail HE industrial development along the entire been most the past. few years and has re- sulted in a tre- mendous increase in the amount of freight, in both raw and finished materials, mov - ing from At- lantic coast ports to Pacific coast ports. The city of Oakland, di- rectly across the bay from San Francisco, is forging ahead in- dustrially, per- haps at a great- er rate and more rapidly than any other city on the coast. This city is the western terminal for three transconti- nental railroads, the Southern Pa- -cifiic Co., the BY DON PARTRIDGE Western Pacific Co. and the Santa Fe system, and many thousands of tons of. freight moved overland by these Pacific coast has pronounced during GENERAL LAYOUT OF THE COMPLETE PLAN OF THE ENCINAL TERMINALS AT OAKLAND, CALIF.—TRANSIT SHED UNIT A IS COMPLETED AND NOW IN OPERATION 309 “nary lines are loaded aboard vessels for shipments to the Orient and other Pacific coast ports, north and _ south. To take care of both the inter- coastal and transcontinental freight handled through the port, extensive im- provements are now under way, along the entire water front. Many other con- templated im- provements are in the _ prelimi- stage of planning. With this increase of: water borne ton-' nage the Oak- land estuary has, come «rapidly to, the fore. One of, of the newest; dock develop-: ments in this section of Oak-_— land harbor, is the Encinal Ter-