August, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 35 The S. S. Idefjord, Norwegian Line, is one of the most economical freight- ers running into the Port of New York. She has 3 Scotch boilers with a total heating surface of 7,500 sq. ft., fitted with Elesco high degree superheaters giving 150 to 200 degrees of superheat at the throttle; the boiler pressure is 180 Ib. This vessel has been operating very successfully and economically. The Lockwood and Carlisle rings fitted in the high pressure piston were in for a period of three years before the lower half of the rings had to be replaced due to breaking. S. S. Idefjord was built by the Canadian Vickers Co., Ltd., Montreal, and was commissioned June, 1921. She is 365'-0"x49'-5"x26'-2" and has triple ex- pansion engines with cylinders 24", 44", 70"x48" capable of developing 2600 i.hp. The vessel burns either oil or coal for fuel; at present she is burning coal. Over 3,000 ships are equipped with Elesco type superheaters. THE SUPERHEATER COMPANY 17 East 42nd Street IA) Peoples Gas Building NEW YORK CHICAGO Canada: The Superheater Company,Limited, Montreal Todd Shipyards Corporation licensed by the Superheater Company under Schmidt and other patents. ‘ 7. » Z é Wt “x . TU LSS AY ah) hi Ss ta ial pif | = ae — — ( rie La bigr eas es — <n ey ee licey eee _ A ese ee eS SS Df) | 7 Be ee ee ee ee oe 2 ij = 3S = Se ee ~ — == Sma Marine engineers that have once had experience with Warren pump- ing units agree that they have no superior in performance. With a feeling of satisfaction when the vessel ‘s furnished with Supplies that you can de- And these engineers constitute a con- pend Qn: siderable majority, since for the past twenty years a large proportion of the ships in every class have been completely Warren equipped. WARREN STEAM PUMP COMPANY Warren, Mass. Boston Chicago New York Philadelphia San Francisco That is the kind we have been delivering to the boats on the great lakes for over 80 years. Our General Catalog No. 111 should be in the hands of every vessel owner or operator. Forwarded on application. Gro:B:CARPENTER & Co. MARINE SUPPLIES 436 No. Wells St. Chicago Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers