August, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 41 MANITOWOC Shipbuilding Corporation Ship, engine and boiler builders and dry dock proprietors. Two dry docks enabling us to dock ships up to 510! keel length. Excellent facilities for prompt and econom- ical repair work. MANITOWOC, WISCONSIN Dependable Service | | DURABLE WIRE ROPE Captain J. E. Jones, of the Detroit ° Fire ay oa aes refer- The Marline Served Rope ring to ake Oteering Gear 1n- e ptslled in 1905, «agar vt hac For All Ships Purposes given wonderful results since its installation and has never been Especially adapted for out of service since then, which Cc ARGO WHIPS included hard usage when ice conditions were bad.”’ TOPPING LIFTS That's the kind of dependable GUY TACKLES service that is built into every Dake Gear. DURABLE WIRE ROPE COMPANY Dake Engine Co. BOSTON, MASS. Grand Haven, Mich. Chicago — Cleveland Philadelphia New York THE RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS The Standard Liquid Compass the world over. Used Exclusively in U.S. Navy for over 40 years. Over 40,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12" dia. Magnets for adjusting Purposes. E. S. RITCHIE & SONS, Brookline, Mass., U. S. A. Liquid Compass Agents for the Great Lakes, The Upson-Walton Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Beat Compass in Binnacle SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water PROPELLER WHEELS Tube Boilers and f PROPELLER or all types of BLADES vessels to fit any hub. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Providence, R.I. CATALOGUE F REE Cap’n Allswell says: ‘“‘Chriscraft Discovered Columbians”’ Joe O’Neill’s Chriscraft, Columbian equipped, won the, Toledo Yacht Club Regatta against a sister craft built by the same company from the same mold, but using another ; make of wheel. Chriscraft gained all the way of the 20 mile race. (Write f.r proreller information.) etn 9, The Columbian Bronze Corporation, 238 N. Main St., Freeport, L.I., N.Y. ee. Chicago Representative: George B. Carpenter Co., 440 No. Wells Street mee COLUMBIAN Bronze PROPELLERS Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers