14 MARINE REVIEW September, 1925 The Most ‘Ad-vauitageo ust) Lipented Shipping Base on the Atlantic Seaboard port NEWARK derives its business from the very same unlimited source of export and domestic cragoes which has made New York Harbor the busiest shipping center in the world. It enjoys a strategic advantage in the handling of this flood of business because, by reason of its location at the western end of the harbor, it intercepts 80% of the freight consigned through the port of New York before it enters the congested area along the west shore of the Hudson. 41 of America’s 100 Largest Cities Lie Within 200 Miles New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston and practically all of the other great manufacturing and consuming centers of the East are within easy reach of Port Newark. Within a radius of only two hun- dred miles there is a population of more than twenty million. No other section of the United States of equal extent produces or consumes so great a volume of goods as the territory immediately surrounding Port Newark. Direct Rail, Water and Highway Connec‘ions Port Newark is the logical distributing center of this terri- tory. All the transportation facilities which serve it radiate from Port Newark. Seven trunk line railroads to the west and south have switching connections with the Port Newark waterfront. A network of motor highways spreads out from Port Newark-in all directions, and reaches every great city of the East. Many of America’s most important centers of popu- lation can be reached from Port Newark in less than 6 hours by motor truck. From Port Newark all-water shipments can be made to any point along the Atlantic, Gulf or Pacific coasts. Regular barge service to Buffalo connects with an all-water route, through the Great Lakes, to the cities of the West. Splendid Loading and Storage Facilities The channel approach to Port Newark has a depth of 31 feet m. 1. w. The end of this channel forms a 7,000-foot inshore ship canal, paralleled by 8,000 feet of modern docks equipped with complete freight handling facilities. Alongside the docks are fireproof warehouses which provide more than 2,000,000 square feet of storage space—enough to accommodate the con- tents of 7500 box cars at one time. The docks and warehouses are connected with paved roadways and rail sidings. Lighterage is completely eliminated—motor trucks or freight cars can be brought for exchange of cargoes directly alongside steamers docked at Port Newark. With all these unusual advantages, rates for storage, dockage and stevedoring at Port Newark compare favorably with those in effect at other Atlantic ports. Write for This Free Book All the essential facts about Port Newark—and the terri- tory which surrounds it—are contained in an interesting book which has been prepared by the Department of Public Affairs. You will find this book well worth reading for the information which it contains. A copy will be mailed to you free upon request. Write for it today. THOS. L.RAYMOND Mayor NEWARK,N.J. PORT NEWARK Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers