24 MARINE REVIEW September, 1925 ‘ ae development of the motor- Hi g h ship has been,to W ORTHINGTON pump designers, at once a challenge and an opportunity — to offer the ‘ pump efficienc shipbuilder pumping equipment y that maintains in the motorship’s auxiliaries, a high level of efficiency, as well as that compares favorably with that of the main engines. * * That challenge is accepted, and h U 4 h en = tne that opportunity seized, in the new designs of WorTHINGTON power ° driven pumps for marine service, effi Cl en & both centrifugal and displacement 'y types. Here, for instance, is a WortTHIncTon horizontal duplex double-acting power pump of the type fitted to the motorships “STEELMOTOR” and “STEELVENDOR” of the Isthmian Lines of the U. 5S. Steel Corporation, for fire, ballast and bilge service. For more than two generations, every advance in marine engineer- ing has been met by WorTHINGTON with a corresponding improvement in the pumps supplied for ships’ use. There is no type of pump desired or needed for marine service that W oRTHINGTON cannot furnish. WORTHINGTON PUMP AND MACHINERY CORPORATION 115 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY BRANCH OFFICES IN 24 CITIES 4225-2 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers