Fast Steamers Placed On Run Between Chicago - Detroit Stops at Mackinac Island and St. Ignace— Pass Picturesque Straights of Mackinac, St. Clair River and Detroit River in Daylight FAST express steamboat serv- A ice between Chicago, Mackinac Island, St. Ignace and De- troit, has been established by the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., with headquarters in Detroit. The express steamers EASTERN ‘STATES and WESTERN STATES, of the D. & C. fleet, have been placed upon the run and are operated on a schedule providing for three round trips a week. The steamers sail from the municipal pier in Chicago Mon- days, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriv- ing at Mackinac Island the next morn- ing at 9:00 a.m., and arriving in De- Clair river, the St. Clair Flats and the Detroit river—can be seen in daylight. A striking feature of the schedule is the fact that passengers may leave Chicago or Detroit Saturday after- noon, spend the week-end at Mackinac Island and return to their homes in time for business Monday morning. The steamers EASTERN STATES and WESTERN STATES served last season on the important Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.’s route between De- troit and Cleveland. They are twin steamers of 3077 gross tons, with a net tonnage of 1566 tons; entire length over all 362 feet; and breadth STEAMER EASTERN STATES—WITH HER SISTER STEAMER WESTERN STATES NOW ENGAGED IN THE RUN BETWEEN DETROIT AND CHICAGO MAKING STOPS AT MACKINAC ISLAND AND ST. IGNACE troit at 8:00 a.m. the following morn- ing. The sailings from Detroit, foot of Third avenue, are Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays. The schedule has been so arranged that the most picturesque sections en route—the Straits of Mackinac,-the St. over guards, 80 feet. Tho engines de- velop 5000 horsepower. These steam- ers are combination boats carrying passengers and package freight; each has 228 staterooms and 18 parlors. Many of the staterooms are providel with toilets and the parlors have toi- 324 The Old Fort at Mackinac Island lets and baths. Many public bath rooms are provided for the free use of passengers. Each boat has sleep- ing accommodations for 700 passen- gers, and are permitted by the govern- ment ot carry 1442 passengers, but on the new Chicago run only passen- gers who can be provided with sleep- ing accommodations will be carried. Each steamer can carry 55 automo- biles besides considerable package freight. Only local freight will be carried during the present season. J. C. Conley has been appointed general agent of the Detroit & Cleveland Navi- gation Co., in Chicago. He is well- known in shipping circles as he has been in the steamboat business at Chi- cago for the past 22 years. The Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. has operated steamboat lines on Lake Erie between Detroit and Cleve- land, and between Detroit and Buffalo for over half a century. For 40 years the company operated a line between Detroit, Mackinac Island, and _ local ports on Lake Huron. At the present time the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. has an authorized capital stock amounting to $10,000,000, with $6,038,000 outstand- ing. Dividends aggregating $483,040 were distributed by the company in 1924. A dividend rate of 8 per cent per annum has been maintained since the organization of the company. The grand fleet of the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.:is composed of seven modern passenger steamers including the GREATER DETROIT and GREATER BUFFALO, which cost $7,- 000,000 to build and which are operat- ed for the first time this summer; City OF Detroir III, Crry oF CLEVE- LAND III, EASTERN STATES and WEST- ERN STATES. A. <A. Schantz is president and general manager of the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.