September, 1925 MARINE REVIEW Millions to Save Billions U. S. S. Pennsylvania passing through Gatun Locks, Panama Canal The millions of dollars expended to build the Panama Canal were well spent as approximately 8,000 miles are saved on a trip from New York to a) Francisco. The big economies of the World are so ro that they receive almost immediate attention, but the moderate savings are lost in the fold. It is the small leaks that finally sink the ship. _ , With the day of keen competition upon the shipping world, ili Gree. Comien it is necessary that every advantage be taken in operating effi- ciencies and economies. To overlook the fact that steering ships is one of the most important factors in ship operation — because ships must be moved from one point to another before the operating cycle is completed— is to greatly err. The Gyro-Compass points true north at all times, and being non-magnetic increases the efficiency of navigation with resultant economy and safety in ship operation. The greatest tribute to the Sperry Gyro-Compass is the fact that the leading Navies of the World have adopted it as standard for fire control and navigation, and seventy of the lead- ing Ship Operators of the World use it for navigation. THE SPERRY GYROSCOPE COMPANY CLEVELAND NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO 12015 Clifton Boulevard Manhattan Bridge Plaza Room 326 Brooklyn Matson Building LOS ANGELES SEATTLE 623 Canal Ave., Wilmington 404 Central Building FOR BETTER NAVIGATION Every Steel Ship Worth Sending to Sea Deserves the Protection of a Gyro-Compass Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers