September, 1925 - PORT FRANCHISES Franchises to operate under the Wheeler System for any American port or group of ports giving ex- clusive rights are offered at outright sale. Franchises for foreign ports are also available. Actual demonstrations of the efficiency of the Wheel- er System under working conditions may be_ seen upon request at New York, Mobile or Galveston. Patents Issued Patents Allowed United States Sweden England Denmark Canada Holland Mexico _ Japan Belgium France Italy Germany Norway 224 Bush St.. WHEELER SALVAGE MARINE REVIEW WARNING The Patented Wheeler System for the Removal of Oil Sludge from the Fuel Oil Tank has been broadly sustained in litigation in the United States Courts. Any infringement on the Wheeler System for removal of Sludge from Fuel Oil Tanks will be prosecuted. Therefore Steamship Companies and Shipyards should accept our offer to demonstrate the nature of the infringement of variations of our Patented System, to their Technical Staffs. It is important that shipowners and shipyards should be warned that Court Proceedings are now pending against a company organized by former employees of the Wheeler Company. This concern asserts in its advertising; ““We welcomed judicial consideration of the charge that our system in- fringed the Wheeler Patent and our judgment has been vindicated.” This statement is misleading because the case has not come to trial but is expected to occur in the early fall. The fact that the Wheeler Company has not secured an injunction restraining this company or- ganized by former employees from doing business in no way excuses the trade from damages if they use any emulsification method or colorable variation thereof infringing on the Wheeler Patents. H. J. Wheeler Salvage Co., Inc. Brooklyn, N. Y. Tel. Henry 1942 BROOKLYN N.Y.. U.S.A.) _ Please mention MARINE REVIEW when a to Advertisers 29