1 * MARINE REVIEW September, 1925 Ee TTTTTITTTTTTTTTTTHUTDATITTHTTHTOTOUUUTTUUCUUUUCUUUUUUUUUUUIUUULUUUUUUU UIUC Ue ce coe cee Ll ue Loop of the RCA Radio Direction Finder Sales engineering offices and direct representatives in every commercial center of the world MARINE RADIO 1832 UTILS OUUOOULUOULCOOOOOOOOVOUOTOONOUNOUNVOONOONOOLNOUONTOTOLUNTOC TUONO UOT Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers = The Atlantic Works, Ship Repair Plant, East Boston, Mass., finds = = Sturtevant Portable Ventilating Sets ‘‘just the thing’? for supplying = = air to employees working in confined spaces on ships. S = j ae ’ : = Receiver of the RCA = = Radio Direction Finder | Keep One of These Utility _ weep une o ese UUHly : F B ° _ Units in the Supply Room! — mm eens : Sturtevant Portable Ventilating Sets should 3 . . § = havea place in the supply room of every ship- = RCA announces the Radio Direction 2 building and ship repair plant. : Finder — a modern aid to navigation. 2 These small compact units are always ready : Highly Accurate— vor = for service whenever the occasion arises andmay 2 In heaviest fog the RCA Radio Direc- = becarried from the supply room and set to = tion Finder is as accurate as sight 2 work on any part of the ship. = bearings in clear weather. Its range is = = several hundred miles. z They are being used with great success to = Immediate Readings— = supply a oh a — spaces and are also There is no delay in taking bearings z used to exhaust 1oul air. 2 at any hour of the day or night. 2 Insuch places as double bottom tanks where = Dependable Construction— = riveting or burning creates objectionable gases, = Built of highest quality materials and = these sets have proved a great asset. = assembled and tested with minute care, = = the RCA Radio Direction Finder is = The low operating cost, high efficiency, and =z dependable and durable. = sturdy construction, of Sturtevant Portable 2 . = Ventilating Sets, make them especially desir- = Low Maintenance Cost Z able for all ’round use. = Either dry cells or a small storage battery = = supplies the current foroperation—and 2 Send for our new bulletin on Portable Ventilat- 3 maintenance cost is kept toa minimum. = ing Sets. = For interesting information on this and S E other marine radio equipment address : B. F. STURTEVANT COMPANY 2 RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA = Plants Located in . s 66B oy: pocnmine 3 Hyde Park, Mass. Framingham, Mass. Sturtevant, Wis, = roa t.. New York City SI Camden, N. J. Berkeley, Cal. Galt, Ontario = Baltimore : ; San Francisco = = Washington, D. C, Los Angeles : ee Cleveland : 2 New Orleans : ae E = Ber hie ‘ Honolulu, T. H.