October, 1925 MAKINE REVI a ae ‘ ‘4 % e 2 | . ‘ ee | EW “Uh, 17 Controlling the cost of operating Electric Industrial Trucks and Tractors ANY of the most prominent steamship companies have singled out one particular storage battery for use in their electric in- dustrial trucks and tractors. Whether you operate one indus- trial truck, a few trucks and tractors, or a large fleet, it will pay you to know how and why the Exide-Iron- clad enables steamship men to han- dle more baggage and freight at less cost than was possible before they became battery-wise. Speed for your trucks This battery, with its reserve power, drives heavily loaded trucks and tractors over all sorts of pavements and grades, releasing current in a flood when needed without injury to the plates. The continued high voltage of the Exide-Ironclad Battery throughout the period of discharge keeps up the speed of the truck even late in the afternoon. When the battery ap- proaches full discharge, the decrease in its voltage is not sufficient to de- crease noticeably the speed of the truck. Men who are responsible for the operation of large fleets of industrial trucks and tractors can tell you that the Exide-Ironclad Battery is eco- nomical to recharge, easy and inex- pensive to care for. The trouble-proof, low-cost battery Best of all, the battery that sup- plies sufficient speed and power to A list of prominent steamship companies and railroads that are using Exide-Ironclad Bat- teries in their electric industrial trucks and tractors: Holland-America Line, Hoboken Hudson Navigation Company, New York Luckenbach Steamship Company, Philadelphia Ocean Steamship Company, New York Southern Pacific Steamship Com- pany, New York Alaska Steamship Company, Seattle, Washington Eastern Steamship Company, New York International Mercantile Marine, New York Pennsylvania Railroad, New York New York Central, New York insure prompt handling of baggage, the rugged, durable, repair-free Exide-Ironclad Battery stands up for years in electric industrial trucks and tractors. Still, it can be had at a price that makes its purchase an immediate economy. Get the real facts now Before you buy another battery, get in touch with us. Get the latest data on battery performance and battery cost inelectric industrial trucks and tractors. Near you is one of our represen- tatives. You will incur no obligation by dropping us a line asking for the information he can give you; but when you do feel the strong obliga- tion, to yourself and to your line, to make sure that your electric indus- trial trucks and tractors are doing the most work at the least cost, let us show you how and why the repu- tation of being the most effective and economical storage battery for use in electric industrial trucks and tractors has been earned by the Exide-Ironclad Battery. Exide THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, 153 Dufferin Street, Toronto Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers