MARINE REVIEW October, 1925 The American Marine Show Will Go Over Big! The American Marine Exposition featuring Marine, Ports and Transportation is now assured of success. It will be the biggest event of its kind ever held. Fifteen marine societies with thousands of members will hold their meetings in New York City during Marine Week. Sixty exhibitors, the leading representatives in their fields, have already taken more than three-fourths of the space. A number of ports are arranging special displays. Is yours one of them? _ Prominent public officials will attend the show. Arrangements are being made for sectional broadcasting of speeches throughout the United States. Convenient transportation by Fifth Avenue Busses, L. and Subways from all Railroad Stations and sections of greater New York to the Marine Ex- position at 212th Anti Aircraft Regiment Armory 62nd Street and Colum- bus Avenue. The exposition will set forth the best in American shipping. It will be the most important market of the year for the industry. It will epitomize the American merchant marine for the public. THE NEED NOW is for all branches of shipping to pull together in putting over the show in the most convincing manner. Make it 110% of a success in exhibits and attendance. Expand the Show Beyond the Limits of the Marine Industry. Help Sell American Shipping to the Public. Complete Information Will Be Sent on Request American Marine Association 15 'Park Row New York Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers