356 MARINE REVIEW October, 1925 BORGESTAD—TWIN SCREW DIESEL FREIGHTER BUILT BY BURMEISTER & WAIN Fuel oil consumption per 24 hours is about six tons giving the vessel a cruising radius of about 50,000 miles. Auxiliary Machinery All the auxiliary machinery in the engine room as well as on deck is electrically driven, the current being supplied by three dynamos, two of 33 kilowatts and one of 66 kilowatts, driven respectively by two single cyl- indered and one twin cylindered Diesel engines of Burmeister & Wain de- sign and construction. The voltage for power purposes is 220 volts, but for lighting purpose this is trans- formed to 110 volts by means of a rotary transformer. Any one of the dynamos is sufficient to supply the current required for normal working at sea, while only two have to be in operation, when the vessel is load- ing and discharging cargo with all the winches working at full power. The machinery space, as seen on the profile drawing, is extremely ‘small, the entire length of the en- gine room being only 35 feet, thus a ee ey tS einer cies LOCATION OF MACHINERY AND giving about 20 per cent more cargo space than would be the case for a steam driven vessel of similar di- mensions. Nevertheless, the engine room could be further reduced, but in doing so the cubic would be less than 138 per cent of the ships total cubic and the 382 per cent deduction for gross tonnage would not then be al- lowed. Just as the engine room has been reduced to the permissible amount so the weight of the machinery ‘has been cut down to a minimum. The figures in tons are: Tons MGR ENR INER Soe ui ccrteaceeeiaassauouinnadeeassaaees 168 Auxiliary engines ........ Sie SOL Auxiliary machinery ined RESERVOIRS © iisisccensnasssensesets . 20 DGB OY OUR BGs diss ec cs secs cectnenencesde uses cosc¥cnsseesciuscaves 2 Shafting, complete with all accessories in- cluding reserve propeller .i.c.cccccccccccccseccsseees 32 Ladders, gratings, floor plates, lifting gear, spare parts, engine room ventilators, tele- graph gears, special tools, ete........ccccce 22 All piping clear of engine and including bilge and ballast piping, bottom valves OU ssi ccci skasiseusbisesceauhacone sane susancucssceekinasrumionnwes ceeiatacs 16 All electrical material inside the engine TION 0 casi pi dnesuenbescakasssosctscaddateaare ETO ete Water in piping Total in tons HOLD, 4 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE TWIN SCREW MOTORSHIP BORGESTAD The trial trip of the motorship BORGESTAD was run on Jan. 6 in the sound at Copenhagen in ballast con- dition, and the following results were obtained over the measured mile: Av- erage indicated horsepower, 2695; rev- olutions per minute average, 154; mean speed in knots 12.22. During the trial, the main engines developed 2695 indicated horsepower at 154 revolutions per minute on a fuel consumption of 0.282 pounds per indicated horsepower per hour for the main engines or an amount equal to 0.362 pounds per brake _horse- power per hour. This fuel consump- tion includes that for the auxiliary engines producing the necessary cur- rent for driving the steering gear and for electric light. The trials were carried out in the presence of repre- sentatives of the owners and several guests. On the following day the motorship BORGESTAD sailed from Cop- enhagen to begin her maiden voyage to South Africa, a service for which she is specially adapted. Hemi” 7 hoses yee |