384 MARINE REVIEW New Trade Publications DIAMOND BLOWERS.—The Diamond Pow- er Specialty Corp. has reprinted a very strikino bulletin which features Diamond valve-in-head blowers, and contains information and data which should be of interest and value to the power operator whether afloat or ashore, Copy may be obtained by addressing the Diamond Power Specialty Corp., Detroit. STEEL HARDENING—A folder by the Stan- ley P. Rockwell Co., Hartford, Conn., describes its method for determining the critical tem- perature of steel being given hardening treat- ment, to insure quenching at the proper moment. SAFETY DEVICES—Goggles, masks and shields to protect eyes and faces from injury in industrial operations are illustrated and described in a bulletin by the Boyer-Campbell Co., Detroit. An effective picture showing how goggles saved a pair of eyes adorns the first page. ELECTRIC DRAWING FURNACE—Leeds & Northrup Co., manufacturers of electrical measuring instruments, Philadelphia, has issued a booklet explaining correct methods of draw- ing steel to obtain best qualities and de- scribes its electric furnace for this purpose and method of using it. SPEED REDUCERS AND GEARS—D. O. James Mfg. Co., Chicago, manufacturer of gears, speed reducers and couplings, has is- sued a new catalog covering its complete line. It is well illustrated and has many pages of engineering data which are of interest to engineers, designers and purchasers of transmission equipment. It is of much value in determining proper type of elevating, con- veying, power transmitting and process ma- chinery. LEVEL AND PRESSURE INDICATORS— Republic Flow Meters Co., Chicago, has_ is- sued a pamphlet describing electrical level and pressure indicators and recorders, which can be used for long distance supervision. The instruments can be used either on gas, water or other fluids. STEAM SPECIALTIES—Water columns and gages, gage cocks, electric alarms and two- whistle valves for use on boilers are given full description and illustration in a_ cata- log by the Reliance’ Gauge Column Co., Cleveland. The catalog is unusually complete in description, illustration and data. STEAM PURIFIER—A reprint of a paper on the removal of water and physical impuri- ties from steam leaving a boiler is being circulated - by the Andrews-Bradshaw Co., Pittsburgh. It deals with the physical side of steam production for power purposes, which the author believes is less thoroughly under- stood than the chemical. JUNCTION BOXES—The Crouse-Hind Co., Syracuse, N. Y. has published several bulletins describing a variety of junction boxes for October, 1925 use in electrical work. ‘The boxes are made of cast iron, the covers being made of cast brass and threaded. ‘Two bosses on the cover permit the use of a wrench or screw driver in turning it. Dimensions are given. CUTTING AND WELDING APPARATUS— Equipment used in cutting and welding, in- cluding torches and outfits, regulators, acetylene generators, portable trucks, adaptors, manifolds, oil preheaters, carbide lights, welding rods and flux, are described and illustrated in a recent publication of the Alexander Milburn Co., Baltimore. GRINDERS—Norton Co., has issued a booklet on _ grinding wheel stands and_ accessories. The — descriptions of mortor and belt driven stands are given with tables of the various sizes manufactured. It also includes protection and dust hoods. BLOWERS—P. H. & F. M. Roots Co., Con- nersville, Ind., has issued a 15-page bulletin describing low pressure rotary blowers. The history and operating principle of this type of blower are given. Several tables giving Worcester, Mass., sizes and capacities are contained in the bulletin. DETROIT UNDERFED STOKERS of the single retort type are described in a new and attractive 32-page bulletin just issued Among other items of outstanding interest to combustion engineers, the bulletin con- tains a number of fuel bed cross’ sections showing conditions of the fire with respect to air distribution and movement toward the dumps. One section is devoted to the appli- cation of the stoker to both low and high set boilers. Another section shows how twin settings serve very large boilers. . Copies of this bulletin, number 1018, are available upon application to the Detroit Stoker Co., General Motors building, Detroit. Business News for the Marine Trade Curtis Marine Service Co., Biloxi, Miss., has been incorporated with $50,000 capital by Louis E. Curtis and Niles Mosely. R. F. Daly has been incorporated at Wil- mington, Del., for $50,000 to act as ship owner. Panama Mail Steamship Co., Dover, Del., has been incorporated with $3,000,000 capitaliza- tion to own and operate vessels. All the properties of the Downey Shipbuild- ing Corp. at Arlington, S. I, New York, will be sold at. foreclosure on July 15, the sale to be conducted by Joseph P. Day, Inc., auc- tioneers. The plants to be sold comprise one of the largest waterfront properties within the free lighterage limits of New York harbor and have been appraised at more than §2,- 000,000. Buildings on the properties include plate shop, beam shop, rivet and pipe shop, machine shop, power plant, etc. Payne Shipping Co. has been in Delaware with $10,000 capital. Lake Charles & Gulf Transportation Co., Ine., Lake Charles, La., has been incorporated with $10,000 capital A. A. Nelson, 1750 Madison street, is secretary. Marine Producing Corp. has been incorporat- ed at Buffalo, with $500,000 capital by F. G. Hengerer, O. Orange and R. A. Fancher. H. E. Webster, Buffalo, is attorney. Kahlenberg Bros. Co., Two Rivers, Wis., manufacturer of marine engines, has let a con- tract for a 1-story brick and steel plant addi- tion, 85 x 105 feet. Oceanic {Stevedoring Co., of Louisiana, Inc., bas been incorporated with $10,000 capital by incorporated John H. Joedan, 2086 Octavia street, and Ar- thur B. Donaldson, 1485 Harmony street, New Orleans. Westego Canal & Terminal Co., Ine., New Orleans, has been incorporated with $250,000 eapital by William T. Nolan, 2707 Coliseum street and U. Marinoni, 2719 Coliseum street. Indiana-Belfont Transportation Co., Ironton, O., has been incorporated with $200,000 capi- tal to operate a line of boats on the Ohio river, by I. P. Blanton, John Brown, Charies Horn, W. Von Bremen and T. L. Zimmerman Jr. Tri-City Ferry Co., 715 Ohio street, Cairo, Ill., has been incorporated with $15,000 capital to operate a ferry line, by J. I. Dunn, Herman Weber and David S. Lansdem, 614 Commercial avenue, Cairo. Edgar L. Hocking, New York, has been in- corporated to manufacture pleasure craft, with $20,000 capital, by E. L. Hocking, G. Hock- ing, and R. Cuthbert. A. E. Amsler, Rich- mond Hill, N. Y., is attorney. Buckhout Boat Corp., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., has been incorporated with 100 shares no par value by J. E. Buckhout, J. R. Schalk and H. B. Vosburgh. C. W. H. Arnold, Pough- keepsie, is attorney. Los Angeles Propeller Co., Los Angeles, a recent incorporation, is manufacturing pro- pellers and will shortly add other articles to its output. A foundry is to be erected. George W. Morrow is manager. S. & B. Towboat Co., Alexandria, La., been incorporated with $10,000 has capital by Edward S. Bres, 2413 Nashville avenue, New Orleans, and others. Stovall Navigation Co., Monroe, lLa., has been incorporated with $100,000 capital by Fred Stovall, 407 Louisville avenue, and others. Coastwise Navigation Co., Jersey City, N. J., has been incorporated with 1000 shares no par value to operate steamships by Eugene McKernan, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Alan J. Collins and J. Bradford Wardwell, Stamford, Conn. Corporation Trust Co., Jersey City, is at- torney. Suwannee River Navigation Co., Gainesville, Fla., has been organized to operate boats between Cedar Key and Branford, for passenger and freight service. W. M. Fowler is presi- dent and A. D. Ware, secretary. Sabine Stevedoring Co., Beaumont, Texas, has been incorporated by N. S. Storter, 2424 Liberty street. C. G. Laird & Co., Norfolk, Va., has been incorporated with $50,000 capital to do steve- doring, by Everett ae Ellis, Brokers Exchange building. Superior Shipbuilding Co., Superior, Wis., is investing $50,000 in improvements and exten- sions to its yards. Hill-Diesel' Engine Co., Lansiing, Mich., successor of the Bates & Edmond Co., has received an order from the government for 15 diesel engines, which are to be insalled in light government patrol boats. Matson Navigation Co. will erect $2,000,000 hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii. Charles D. Wet- more, New York, architect.