MARINE 34 Continuous Wave ‘Transmitters of Dependability Combining exceptional low maintenance with the utmost in modernity and efficiency FIFTEEN hundred miles daylight communication with © ships ejuipped with this apparatus is GUARANTEED eoooeee Independent Wireless Telegraph Co. INCORPORATED 67 WALL STREET NEW YORK CITY Branches throughout the United States and Europe REVIEW October, 1925 Corrugated Furnaces —made to your exact requirerents—any size True to size —easily and qvfickly installed. Highest quality and therefore longest life. Conform to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Bureau Veritas and all other standards and specifica- tions. Prompt deliveries. For complete information write— American Spiral Pipe Works Main Office and Works: Box 485 Chicago, Illinois New York Office: 50 Church St. DEAN BROS. MR10-I-RTG A reliable Auxiliary Pump. Reciprocating type thoroughly understood by every marine engineer. FIRE—BILGE—SANITARY—OIL. DEAN BROS. 0:0. |NDIANAPOLIS. 323 W. 10TH ST. ESTABLISHED 1869 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers