36 MARINE RE Vi kW October, 1925 RAILS LEAD TO EVERYWHERE trunk lines and their connection =—_—___ > —_—__ = CENTRAL RR. OF N-J- = = 2 A City of Space 9 Miles a From New York LEHIGH VALLEY RR- Here you not only have unexcelled warehousing for bd : 4 s merchandise of every character, but a base for dis- Unmatched Distribution tribution to all parts of the East without an equal— olen? and you have no lighterage, no cartage, no taxes to Facilities Presented At pay at Kenna Terminal. Trunk lines and direct rail connections to everywhere with an ocean shipping port at your very door. Speedy deliveries can be made by motor truck to any part of the most thickly populated region in the United States—6 million people within 10 miles; 17 ; million within 100 miles. Only 30 minutes to Man- hattan; Only 5 hours to Philadelphia by motor truck. You load direct from car or ship to truck or from truck to car or ship. Booklet and Maps for the asking Address Former U.S. Army Base Charles Milbauer, Manager PORT NEWARK, N. J. Reenter eo neat Cummings Combination Counter & Telltale Officially approved as conforming to Emergency Fleet Technical Order No. 104 IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES WHITING- ADAMS © Any paint and any paint-brush may “save the oe . . surface —"" BUT it takes good paint and a good paint-brush to save a surface well enough to be worth “saving” again! _onifome reciprocating parts, large numeral counter with no trouble- ee UG babes mene par ge have been ountershaft gear 1 to 10 of in shaft. He $ r Positive Scunter with “diustable feaiickaltive telltale, 9-inch dial. a pee On ecen rer years a yo surfaces Same earceced steel counter as used by U. S. navy on all destroyers, a with a brush that knows the job! attieships, etc. Wee . . To determine R. P. M. hold watch in one hand and telltale on zero with pee Do it with WHITING-ADAMS BRUSHES other hand, release and stop after interval of 60 seconds. ate We also furnish driving mechanism from main shaft to counter. oh SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE . ° JOHN L. WHITING-J. J. ADAMS CO., BOSTON, U.S.A. Cumm ing S M ac hine Works Brush Manufacturers for Over 116 Years and the Largest in the World 255 Atlantic Ave. BOSTON, U.S. A. Frere deatiatreansegieraeerermeetet Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers