CLARIFIERS (Oil) ‘Sharples Specialty Co. 23rd & Westmoreland Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. CLINCH RINGS (Malleable Iron) : Nat 1 Malleable & Steel Castings Co., The, — 10000 Quincy Ave., Cleveland, oO. COMBINATION COUNTER AND TELL- LE pene Machine Works, 255 Atlantic Ave. oS Mass. Boston, ‘Walker, George, ' 96 Montvale Rd., Newton Centre, Mass. COMPASSES : Ritchie, E. S. & Sons, Brookline, Mass. : Walker, George, 96 Montvale Rd., Newton Centre, Mass. COMPASSES (Gyro) Sperry Gyroscope Co., The, Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, Nie ¥: COMPA SSES (Radio) lari” Telegraph Co. 812 Hobart Bldg. ., San Francisco, Cal. COMPOSITION DECKING , Marine mee & Supply Co., 34S, -17th, St., Philadelphia, Pa. enna, Flooring & Woodoleum Mfg. Co., 34 S. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. GoMPRESSORS ; Frick Company, Waynesboro, Pa. | General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., | 115 Broadway, New York "City. ONDENSERS Dean tee Co., 323 W. Tenth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. CONDENSER SHELLS (Welded Steel) Continental Iron Works, The, West and Calyer Sts., Brooklyn, Ney. CORDAGE ‘Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. CORRUGATED BOILER FURNACES seer Iron Works, The, West & Calyer Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. CRANES McMyler-Interstate Co., Bedford, Ohio. CYLINDERS (Welded) Continental Iron Works, The, West & Calyer Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. DAVITS (Mechanical) Welin Davit & Boat Corp., - 305 Vernon Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. DECKING Marine Decking & Supply Co., 4 S. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. ners Flooring & Woodoleum Mig. Co., 34. S: 17th St, hari, stata Pa. DEHYDRATORS (Oil) Sharples Specialty Co., 28rd & Westmoreland Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. DERRICKS Superior Iron Works Co., Superior, Wis. DIESEL ENGINES—See ENGINES (Diesel) DISTILLING APPARATUS Griscom-Russell Co. 2121 West St. Bldg., New York. City. DIVING APPARATUS Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc., 241 High St., Boston, Mass WHERE TO BUY DRAFT (Artificial and Mechanical for Boilers) American Ship Building Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Sturtevant, B. F., Co., Hyde Park, Boston, Mass. DRAFT GAUGES Peabody Engineering Corporation, 110 E. 42nd St., New York City. DREDGING MACHINERY Great Lakes Engineering Works, iver Rouge, Mich. DRY DOCKS American Ship Building Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Bethlehem, Pa. Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine Bldg. Co., Philadelphia, Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 26 Beaver St., New York City. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich, Manitowoc Ship Building Corp., Manitowoc, Wis. Smith, Leatham D., Dock Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. Todd Shipyards Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, O. DYNAMOS Engberg’s Hlectae & Mechanical Works, General Riccieie Co., Schenectady, EJECTORS Westinghouse Electric & gi Co., . Pittsburgh, Pa. EJECTORS (Ash) Great ees Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. ENGINE SPEED INDICATOR Sperry Gyroscope Co., Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N. Y. ENGINEERS (Marine, Mechanical and Con- sulting) Crandall Baik rik Co., 102 Border St., Boston, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge. Mich. Kenna Terminal, Port Newark, Newark, N. J. Peabody Engineering Corporation, 110 E. 42nd St., New York City. Port of Newark, Newark, N. J. Superior Iron Works Co., Superior, Wis. Todd Shipyards Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. ENGINES Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 26 Beaver St., New York ’ City. New London oat & Engine Co. Pine St., New "York City. Standard Moise Construction Co., 172 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. Worthington Fup & Machinery Corp. 115 Broadway, New York City. ENGINES (Diesel) Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co., 2nd and Utah Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine Bldg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. New London Ship & Engine Co. 11 Pine St., New "York City. Standard Motor Construction Co. FF 172’ Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. Worthington crag & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. ENGINES (Internal Combustion) Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co., 2nd and Utah Sts.. St. Louis, Mo. Standard Motor Construction Co., 172 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. 2 Vine St., St. Joseph, Mich. N.Y. November, 1925 PLO SACOUUUAGNELAOUUNENAAUOUEUEGANAUAUUULAANAOUOEN ivtqurtuequrvnmvt ogee an gt nner cence ENGINES (Marine) A fh 9 building Co. merican in ui cag Cleveland. 0. Foo Hetinen’ Shipbuilding Corp., Bethlehem, Pa. Busch-Sulzer Bros. Diesel Engine Co., 2nd and Utah .Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Chicago Ship Bldg. Co., So. Chicago, Il. New London Lge & Engine Co., Pine St.. New "York City. Staten Island. shipbuilding Co., 1 Broadway, New York City. Sturtevant, B. F., Co., nc Hyde Park, Boston, Mass. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester Superior Iron Works Co., Superior, Wis Todd Shipyards Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, O. Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. ENGINES (Oil) Farner ee & Co. Ss. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IIL New haadon Ship & Engine Co., 11 Pine St:.. New York City. Standard Motor Construction Co., 172 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. nen Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. ENGINES (Steam, Reciprocating and Turbine) Cramp, Wm., & ape Ship & Engine Bldg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa, ENGINES (Steam, Steering) Dake Engine Co., Grand Haven, Mich, ENGINES (Vertical, Enclosed, Self Oiling? Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical Works, 22 Vine St., St. Joseph, Mich. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP LINES (Passen- ger and Freight) International Mercantile Marine Co., 1 Broadway, New York City. United American Lines, Inc., 9 Broadway, New York City. EVAPORATORS Griscom-Russell Co., 2121 West St. Bldg., New York City. FANS (Electric) Diehl Mfg. Co., Elizabeth, Ne J General. Electric....Co.,... Schenectady, N. *Y. Sturtevant, B. F., Co., "Hyde Park, Boston, ee Westinghouse Electric & Mig. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. FEED WATER HEATERS—See and PURIFIERS (Feed Water) HEATERS FEED WATER REGULATORS Babcock & Wilcox Co., The 85 Liberty St. a New York City. FIRE EQUIPMENT Tiebout, W. & J.,- 118 Chambers St., New York City. FITTINGS (Boiler Room) Jerguson Gage & Valve Co., Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass. FIXTURES (Electrical) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. FLANGES (Forged Steel Pipe) American Spiral Pipe Works, W. 14th & S. 48th St., Chicago, IL