8 > MARINE REVIEW December, 1925 Te ana alice a ee _ So gi ee a lle i Equipped with Columbian The S. S., H.F. Alexander of the Admiral Line is oper- ating between New York and Miami, Florida. She is the largest and fastest boat in passenger service between these two points. Known as the “Super-Ship,” the H.f. dlexander affords the splendid combination of comfort, luxury and speed. Her equipment was chosen with great precision and every line aboard is Columbian. This is another of the many steamships which are ex- cellently served by Columbian Cordage. The red, white and blue Tape-Marker throughout the entire length of each line, is ample assurance of dependable, long wearing cordage. Columbian. Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans Hy Represents High ceom Eo H Hl NAME-PRODUCT~POLICY. wiiTE ES _ABK FOR NW" TRADE MA nt LUE |G =»coumbians ROPE 6. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers