HIS illustration shows’ the Brighton Marine No. 4, a single section drydock which was launched at Staten Island, N. Y., Noy. 10, 1925. It is one of the largest single section drydocks in the country and took 8 months to build, using 1,500,000 feet of lum- ber. The length overall is 330 feet and the displacement is 3500 tons. <A vessel of 4000 tons can be lifted. It will be placed at the West Brighton yards of the Dela- ware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, Staten Island, N. Y. Miss O. L. Loomis daughter of the president of the Lehigh railroad was the sponsor. THQUOOEUUOONANEGOOOUOONOGOOOUOOLONOOEOAOOOOOONOEYAOGOONNNAOOOONONNEAOOOOSOSNOEUONDONOMUGTONNNNEYGAUONNE DUANE SUIUIUTUNUNSNALYUCUUULLIHNELANNNAT MU EM MUU MMM MMM TMT MMMM CCL Launch Large Single Section Floating Dock JYQYTUAUAUEDESGUUOOQT TTT EPES EET as + ETITTTLUUULULLALLLLLULL LALLA LULL OeLOLACUURLACOCLCSCLCLUAAOOUUCOOOOOLLUOOOUUUPOOOUUUDCIOOOODLEAOOULOOOUADOTHUUOOUIOCOUUCONOUOULUNOOUOULOOOOUUOCNOOOUUOOOOUUUMONOOULOPROOUUULUOUOUUUUOOOUUUONOUOULUNHOOOUNUUNOOCUUUUOOOOONTHNOOOUNNNPOOOONUOTOOOOOTNUOMOTOOTOUUMTOOOTITTTTOUONTTTTOTITTTTTTTNNINTT is Te TT TUTTE TRETTTTTCHHTUTTETTTULCHUALUGeETLUUUGeATUOOeATUUUeHOOLOCOOHLOLGOATHUCUOTOTIOOHOTILOOOTTOVOONTOTINUONIIICOTATITCCOHTIIOCOHTITINTOTITINNTTTT TION TTT 7 Exhibit a Crankless Diesel Engine HE CRANKLESS DIESEL EN- i GINE CO., INC., 29 Broadway, New York city, engine shown in the accompanying il- lustration, a 150 indicated horsepower, 2 cycle, 4 cylinder, 7% inch diameter by 9 inches stroke, crankless. diesel engine, at the marine show. A step piston for each cylinder acts as a scavenging pump and scavenges its ad- jacent cylinder. The crankless fea- ture is simply an adaptation of a thrust block applied to prime movers. exhibited the’ socket connection built in the step piston body. The use of a step pis- ton allows this ball to be of large diameter to take the bearing pres- sures which are, in this engine, about the same as applied in any diesel en- gine crankshaft and crosshead pin. The rear of the ball corresponds to a crosshead and slipper guide and the face in contact with the wabble plate corresponds to the conventional crank- pin. An interesting point claimed in connection with the power as _ ap- GENERAL VIEW OF A 4-CYLINDER, 2-CYCLE, CRANKLESS DIESEL ENGINE OF 150 I. H. P. EXHIBITED AT THE MARINE SHOW NEW YORK, NOV. 9 TO 14, 1925 There is a wabble or driving plate fixed upon a main shaft at an angle . approxmiately 22% degrees. The power is transmitted from piston to wabble or driving plate through a ball plied in this form of engine is that the cylinders are set 11 inches off the center line of the shaft and apply the full diesel pressure, approximately 500 pounds per square inch, about 3 de- 464 grees past top center but with the center of effort 11 inches tangent to the shaft, giving high mechanical effi- ciency. This engine burns crude oil and the advantages claimed for this type of engine lie in the compact design and lesser dimensions in proportion to horsepower developed. The engine shown in the accompanying illustra- tion has an extreme length over all of 9 feet, is 3 feet 4 inches wide, has a height of 2 feet, 8% inches and measures but 16% inches to the center of gravity. It is claimed that engines of this design will occupy one-fourth to one- half the space and weigh only one- half as much as the ordinary recipro- cating type. The engine shown in the accompanying photograph and ex- hibited at the marine show in New York, November 9 to 14, 1925, was operated backward, that is the pistons were actuated by the wabble plate which in turn was actuated by rotat- ing the main shaft of which the wab- ble plate is an integral part. The en- gine had just been completed and has not up to the present been operated under its own power. Its appearance is simple and workmanlike. A great deal of interest was displayed in this novel engine by visitors at the show. It is real departure. The twenty-first convention of the National rivers and harbors congress is to be held in the city of Washing- ton, Wednesday and Thursday, Dee. 9 and 10.