38 MARINE REVIEW December, 1925 ORISON SUSPENSION FURNACES FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS Uniform Thickness — Easily Cleaned — Unexcelled for Strength Also FOX CORRUGATED FURNACES Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, or any other requirements Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS West and Calyer Streets BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Greenport Ferry from East 23rd Street, New York ESTABLISHED 1859 INCORPORATED 1887 THE RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS The Standard Liquid Compass the world over. Used Exclusively in U. S. Navy for over 40 years. Over 65,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12" dia. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of Magnets for adjusting Purposes. Standard Binnacle He E Vi : vessels a Ea \ ‘i g Providence, R.I. S. RITCHIE & SONS Brookline, Mass., U.S. A. Agents for the Great Lakes, The Upson-Walton Company, Cleveland, Ohio U.S. A. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. PROPELLER WHEELS and PROPELLER BLA:DES to fit any hub. Rolled Steel ““NEVERSLIP” Floor Plates AMERICAN PRESSED STEEL CO. MILWAUKEE, WIS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. LIDGERWOOD WINCHES ELECTRIC and STEAM Gears entirely enclosed in cast iron 36 of this type Winch casing absolutely preventing foul- in use on board ing of rope and injuries to men. S. S. CHEROKEE Bearings fitted with replaceable S, S. SEMINOLE oe S.S. MOHAWK Controllers placed at hoist or hatch. of the Clyde S. S. Co. Load lowered by dynamic braking ‘ : 3 control, Simple in Design and Opera- j tion. Rugged and strong Solenoid on motor, Nee construction. Electric parts water-proofed. ° Philadelphia Pittsburgh Chi LIDGERWOOD MFG. CO:, 96 Liberty St., New York San Francisco Tos Anwelet YP ortlend >to Golntes Sales Agents: Woodward, Wight & Co., Ltd., New Orleans. Canadian, Allis-Chalmers, Ltd., Toronto. John D. Westbrook, Inc., Norfolk, Va Cameron & Barkley Co., Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa, Fla. Foreign Offices: London, England. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers t