40 MeaRITN EE RE V LE Ww December, 1925 UNITED AMERICAN LINES Joint Services with HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 39 Broadway, New York WORLD WIDE Passenger Services New York to Cherbourg, Boulognes/M, Southampton, Cobh (Queenstown), Hamburg. F R. E i G H T S$ E. R.V | Cc E New York to: Hamburg direct. FREQUENT SAILINGS PROMPT FORWARDING Hevight iganiioes ive hace ai 105 SHIPS 1,165,441 TONS ew Yor to am! urg direct 54 Y. oe e Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk to Hamburg and atuavicuat edn Paes OU le Anes to Hamburg and Bremen. White Star Line American Line Red Star Line i i ific Line U. S. West Coast Ports to Northern Europe. Atlantic Transport Line ,. Panama Pacific : New York, Baltimore and Savannah to United States Leyland Line White Star-Dominion Line A. C. FETTEROLF, Freight Traffic Manager West Coast. No. 1 B’way, New York City; J. D. Roth, M’g’r., 327 S. La Salle St., Chicago. Cap’n Allswell says: ‘‘It takes Columbians to make a boat beat its own record.’’ Write for propeller information. Columbian Bronze Corporation, 238 N. Main St., Freeport, L. I., N. Y. Chicago Representative: George B. Carpenter & Co., 440 No. Wells St. COLUMBIAN Bronze PROPELLERS OE ™, ROE My & 4, 2, > & Sister’ Phoenix Marine Type Refrigerating Machines ‘-have been designed especially to meet the requirements of the Marine Engineer. Motor driven, and either manual or auto- matic control. Silent chain drive, fully enclosed, permits short distance between centers, with resultant compactness. MAY WE SEND FULL DETAILS? The Phoenix Ice Machine Co., Cleveland 2711 Church Ave. Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- tural Work and Castings Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night MARINE WORK ASPECIALTY ELECTRIC WELDING Works: 36-40 Illinois Street —_ —- BUFFALO, N. Y. KELVIN & WILFRID O. WHITE CO. BOSTON—NEW YORK NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT Contracts a Specialty New Branch now open MONTREAL PATENTS TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS Thirty years’ active practice. Experienced, personal, con- Scientious service. All business strictly confidential. SIGGERS & SIGGERS PATENT LAWYERS Suite 11, National Union Ins. Bldg., Washington, D. C. ANDREW J. MORSE & SON, Inc. 221 High Street BOSTON, MASS. Established 1837 Diving Apparatus and Submarine Armor Fire Department Supplies The Morse Monitor Nozzle Callahan Shut-Off Nozzle ‘SHOW WOODEN SHIPS ARE BUILT’’ By H. COLE ESTEP A book packed full of useful information for the busy practical ship- builder. Every new method of construction shown in 188 big, easy-to-see illustrations. A complete story which takes the reader through every step of shipbuilding, beginning with the standing tree and ending with the trial ship with a supplement to laying off. Price $3.00 (15s.), Postpaid THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY Book Department 512 M Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave. and W. 3rd St. Cleveland, O. THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY TheBook Department of The PentonPublishingCo. Main 272. Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 Specializes in Manufacturers of the Mulholland Simplex and BOOKS FOR THE MARINER and is prepared to furnish at publishers’ price any technical book in print THE PENTON PUBLISHING CO. 22° Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave. & West 3rd St., Cleveland, O. Security Hatch Fasteners. For Ocean and Lake Trade. OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES 516 M FOSTER MARINE BOILERS In use in over 130 vessels of American Merchant Marine. Write for performance data. ° ° B Philadelphi D i Foster Marine Boiler Corp. chiccz. Stugsciphia, Pallas, ‘KanreCity 17] Broadway, N. Y. Baltimore, Proctor Eng. Co.; A. K. Miller Engineering Co., Galveston, Texas, New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala.; Cleveland, R. G. Backus. ° Charleston and Savannah, Stuart A. Johnson Engineering Company. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers