January, 1926 The MARINE KEVIE W -. 649949 999 Ob, ROTARY PUMP that meets Every Emergency MOOTH, graceful lines and _ eager responsiveness to tiller or throttle are the qualities every boat owner most ad- mires in his ‘‘ship’’—but, is she safely equipped to weather a squall, to ride out a storm, to fight fire or leakage? Dependable pumping equipment is vital to every ship’s welfare. AMF Rotary All-Purpose Pumps safeguard every type of ship against FIRE—STORM and LEAKAGE. Their direct connection to high speed drive unit assures instant adaptability for every pumping require- ment—hbilge—deck-washing or emergency. SAFE — STURDY — SURE NO GEARS to wear out. NO VIBRATION to cause trouble. MINIMUM OVERHEAD in attention and upkeep. All-bronze for salt water; bronze fitted for fresh water. Cast Iron for oil service. A Type for Every Ship A float American Machine & Foundry Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers 41