54 Between the main and upper deck a steel casing 60 feet long and 6 feet wide encloses the upper engine room and end stairways. In addition to the 240 horsepower, two cycle airless injection diesel en- gine, Fairbanks, Morse & Co. also provided the auxiliary equipment. A 15 horsepower, two cylinder oil en- gine direct connected to a 9 kilo- watt, 125 volt direct current gener- ator supplies current for lighting and for driving the electric auxiliaries. Starting air is supplied by a 4% x 4% inches single cylinder water cooled air compressor driven by a 7% horsepower 1750 revolutions per min- ute 115 volt, Fairbanks-Morse ball bearing motor. This compressor pumps to four 30 x 96 inches air tanks This gives the engineers two tanks for reserve purposes as the capacity of the air compressor on the main MARINE REVIEW engine is sufficient to maintain the pressure in two of the tanks. These two tanks are of sufficient capacity to hold enough air to do all of the maneuvering ordinarily necessary for handling the boat. Low Fuel Consumption For fire purposes a 2 inch centrifu- gal pump is driven by a 5 horsepower 1750 revolutions per minute, 115 volt compound wound ball bearing motor. The ordinary bilge service is taken care of by a 2% x 8 inches plunger pump which is driven from the main engine shaft. Should the boat de- velop a bad leak the fire pump is so connected that it can be used for bilge service. On Sept. 4 the machinery and aux- iliaries were given a dock trial and the boat left the builder’s yard on Sept. 6 for Gloucester Point. Although no trial trip had been made the run January, 1926 of 142 miles from Baltimore to Glou- cester Point was entirely successful. On this run the fuel consumption was 8 gallons per hour although since the boat has been placed in service this has dropped to 7% gallons per hour. With the engine turning at 215 revo- lutions per minute the boat made ap- proximately 9.18 statute miles per hour on this trip. In regular service the boat makes two round trips every hour, the run- ning time from dock to dock being about eight minutes. It has been found that the dou- ble end drive enables the boat to dock quickly and to get away quickly on the return trip as there is no time lost in turning the boat around. In handling the boat the forward rudder is locked in a central position by a sliding bolt and the other rudder is used for steering. Steamer Haleyon Launched at Detroit HE steamer Hatcyon for the ‘Walkerville and Detroit Ferry Co. which was launched at the River Rouge yard of the Great Lakes Engineering Works, Dec. 12, is a du- plicate of the steamer WAYNE, built two years ago for the same company. Hull Characteristics Length overall in feet.................. Length on keel in feet...................... 128 Extreme beam, feet, inches........ 56 8 This vessel has a capacity of ap- proximately 50 automobiles on the main deck, and cabin capacity for about 500 passengers. Propelling machinery consists of a fore and aft compound engine with . eylinders 20 inches and 40 inches in diameter by 28 inches in stroke. Maxi- mum horsepower is 1000 at 130 revo- STEAMER WAYNE BUILT BY THE GREAT LAKES ENGINEERING WORKS TWO YEARS AGO FOR THE WALKERVILLE AND DETROIT FERRY CO—THE STEAMER HALCYON LAUNCHED AT THE SAME YARD FOR THE SAME OWNERS ON DEC. 12, 1925 IS AN EXACT DUPLICATE lutions per minute. This power is only necessary for work in heavy ice. Steam is supplied by two Scotch boil- ers, 10 feet 6 inches in diameter by 11 feet over the heads. Allowed steam pressure is 175 pounds. Total heat- ing surface is 3134 square feet, total grate surface is 77 square feet. Forced draft is supplied by one American Blower fan, direct connected to a 5 x 5 inches single cylinder engine. For auxiliaries there are: one air pump and jet condenser 14 and 28 x 18 inches vertical, simplex; one feed pump 8 and 5 x 12 inches horizontal, simplex; one general service pump 8 and 5 x 12 inches horizontal, duplex; one combined sanitary and bilge pump 5%-5-5x5 inches horizontal, duplex. The main generator is 10 kilowatts capacity of Crocker-Wheeler make. The auxiliary generator is 5 kilowatt capacity, made by Westinghouse Elec- tric & Mfg. Co. There is also a Reilly No. 10 feed water heater. The accompanying illustration shows the ferryboat WaAyYNr, and the HAL- CYON will be exactly the same when completed. According to present plans the HaLcyon will go into commission about March 1. Announcement Has been made by the New York & Cuba Mail Steamship Co. that Mr. David A. Wahmond has been appointed purchasing agent and in charge of the commissary depart- ment of the company, with headquar- ters at pier 13, East river, foot of Wall street, New York city.