January, 1926 MARINE REVIEW . o7 ig Lae SS 7 f rn) x | Wy y ee eae YY, ee The President Lincoln is one of several of the Dollar Steamship Line equipped with the Kolster Radio Compass —— P The Kolster Loop says “Protected !” The square loop of the Kolster Radio Compass over the bridge is the sign of a “protected” ship. : A staunch tight vessel is Protected—at harbor entrances—at sea. Pro- a joy forever. tected—despite the weather! With a Kolster Radio Compass, navigating officers can not Every true sailor man loves to sing the praise of such a only accurately establish the ship’s position in craft. the densest fog, but can also obtain a fix in fair weather when far outside of the sight of ead. Every old timer knows that This is “protection” worth investigating. Send for Bulletin 25 STRATFORD OAKUM is the best caulking ma- terial obtainable. Its superiority has been proved by nearly a cen- “tury of service. Be sure you get it. Do not FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY : accept a substitute. SAN FRANCISCO 25 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK CITY Japan-China Representatives : Sperry Gyroscope Co., Mitsui Building, Tokio GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM CO. Jersey City, N. J. * _— a Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers RAD