January, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 59 ISHERWOOD ee SYSTEM of Ship Construction greatly increases longitudinal strength, requires less weight of steel, provides additional dead-weight carrying capacity, reduces collision damages to a minimum, gives greater facilities for making damage repairs, enables you to build thirteen ships out of the weight of steel ordinarily required for twelve vessels, and each ship will carry 2 per cent more cargo! The Isherwood System has estadiiahed World records in rapid construction. If you are Sor pete the construction J W. I SHE : RWOOD of a new vessel it will ea you to get fully acquainted with the Isherwood System. 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK hag 4 Grenssats Ave., London E. C. 3. We shall gladly send full details. f Os | 16—535' Passenger Liners for United States Ship- ping Board. Built by the New York Ship- building Corporation, Bethlehem Shipbuild- ing Corporation, Ltd., Newport News Ship- building and Dry Dock Company. Boston N, MASS. fis DESIGNERS ¢ OF De DOCKS Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers