January, 1926 MARINE REVIEW i Bethlehem builds a Small Unit Type Oil Engine in units of 2, 3, 4 and 6 cylinders or in sizes of 50 to 480 B.H.P. for use as the main engine of tugs, ferryboats, etc. or for generator au pelle drive aboard larger e r m a n en t E- Cc O n om I e S Bethlehem Products Include: icrsion “eee Economy of operation begins immediately upon the ieee ie installation of a Bethlehem Large Unit Type Oil Engine Feed, Condensate, Circulating ; : : ‘ : ji gna Genel Sercice Puraps aboard ship—and investment in Oil Engine economy is a Fuel Oil Transfer, Fuel Oil permanent investment. Service and Forced mga Lubrication Pumps At the outset, cargo space is increased, and the dead Bilge Pumps, Air Pumps, Com- weight of unnecessary units of power generation is elimi- pressors, Feed Water Heaters nated. Increased cargo space is a permanent economy. Evaporators, Ejectors, etc. Deck Machinery of all kinds Economy of operation and Diesel economy of the Steam turbines, boilers and engines Bethlehem (Amdyco) Fire Extinguishing System Contra Propellers Direction Indicators Bethlehem Oil Engine are permanent economies. The Bethlehem Large Unit Type Oil Engine is a perma- nent saving to shipowners. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD., BETHLEHEM, PA. GENERAL SALES OFFICES: 25 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY DISTRICT OFFICES: Boston, 100 Milk St.; Philadelphia, Widener Bldg.; Wilmington, Foot of West St.; Baltimore, South and Water Sts.; Cleveland, Union Trust Bldg.; Chicago, Monadnock Bldg.; San Francisco, Matson Bldg. BETHLEHEM Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers