MARINE REVIEW | July, Is oxygen an investment or merely expense? IF you buy from Linde you buy not only a product that has been industry’s standard for years, but an interest in the oxy-acetylene process that has never failed to pay dividends to the user. Through Linde field service you will be kept up-to-date in oxy-acetylene progress; you will have practical help and engineering advice when you need it; and through the latest development in Linde service—the Procedure Controls—you will be able to carry out the most difficult welding jobs practically unaided. The LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY ' Manufacturers of oxygen, nitrogen, Pyrogen, argon and neon Producers of helium for scientific purposes General Offices: Carbide and Carbon Building 30 East 42d Street, New York 37 Plants . 105 Warehouses LARGE KILNS completely fab- ricated by the oxy-acetylene process are coming to be well known in many industries. They possess many advantages and do not re- quire the repairs which frequently arise from loose or faulty rivets. The Linde Procedure Control on welded kilns gives you full details for carrying out this pcomingly difficult job. DE OXYGEN Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers 1926