38 , MARINE REVIEW July, 1926 View of the MaLoLo showing cruiser type of stern, balanced rudder and one of her twin propellers with completely plated over shaft struts— Side view of forward end giving but a suggestion of the beauty of her lines knocked | out. Promptly at 3:30 ploughed her way into the Delaware was provided for the occasion to take o’clock, when the tide was right, river. It was a perfect launching. visitors from New York, and _ back. the crews sawed through the planks Arrangements for handling the Following the launching a_ buffet holding the sliding ways and the visitors to the launching, were of an luncheon was served at the shipyard. ship without mishap of any kind elaborate character. A special car It was estimated 5000 attended. Analysis of Bids-S. 5 Mount Vernon Opened June 8, at 45 Broadway, New York City Todd Shipyards Corp. Newport News Ship- U. S. Navy Yard J. C. Knipp & Sons Wm. Baumgarten & Rex Cabinet and Contract Tietjen & Lang Dry- building & Dry New York (Separate Contrac- Co. Inc. (Separate Linoleum Co. (Sep- dock Co., Hoboken, Dock Co., Newport tor), Baltimore Contractor) New arate Contractor) N. J. News York City Union City, N. J. M.V.C.-1 ‘‘General con- $2,790,170 $3.100.000 $4,109,338 tract.” Pages 1-344 295 days 310 days Feb. 28, 1927 Time M.V.C.-2. Drydocking $105,000 $15,983 and underwater work. 30 days Pages 1-8 Time M.V.C.-3. Outfitting cab- $146,600 $143,081 $146,000 in public rooms and As for contract No. 1 $138,000* original suites. Pages 1-51 Time : M.V.C.-4. Wooden bed- $54,980 $53,375 $49,876 steads, Pullman and As for contract No. 1 combination sofa berths. Pages 1-13. Time - Certified checks accom- $1430.81 panying tenders $31,000 None None $583.75 $1,460 $498 *In New York or Boston. et Note: The Sun Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Federal Shipbuilding Specifications have also been issued for the reconditioning and Co., William Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Co., W. A. Fletcher Co., restoration of the S. S. AMERICA which burned at her pier at Newport American Brown Boveri Electric Corp., United States navy yard, News just after having been reconditioned. Tenders for this work Boston and United States navy yard, Norfolk sent word that they were to be received at 45 Broadway, New York City on June 21. It were unable to bid.. The navy yard in Boston offered two bids for is known that Newpurt News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. was the dry docking and under water work $26,800 for dock No. 2 and $31,200 low bidder with $1,770,000, but no details as to the result of the for dock No. 3 while the Norfolk navy yard bid $7525 and 10 days for opening of bids were available before going to press. this part of the work. % 5 Reappoints EY. O'Connor Diesel Conversion Program T. V. O'Connor, first appointed to the United States shipping board by : A Summary of Installation Contracts Made sab ae aay ae bites enihte : oe “eal Suge appointment.as chairman of the boar by the Shipping Board to June 22, 1926 by President Coolidge. The term is ‘Vessel. - Engine Contractor . Price Status for six years. For the last two years West Honaker-McIntosh & Sey- Bethlehem Ship- Vessel now at Mr. O’Connor has been chairman. He mour building Corp. $410,120 ship yard. represents the region of the Great Fore River Plant ° : Waer Cussera ‘Melntosh € Séy- Lakes on the shipping board and mour Same 410,120 Same i ig] CROWN CITY Same Same 411,620 Contract not yet his home is in Buffalo. : xecuted. ° : Unicor Wartiingtin Weweaae ea wal nee cpa Chairman O’Connor has conducted Pump & Ma- Shipbuilding & 353,500 Vessel now at his office with energy and_ good chinery Corp. Dry Dock Co. ship yard. sense and there ca b ti TAMPA Same Same 353,500 Same ss ee on ae SAWOKLA Ae Same 389,750 Contract not yet that he is an ardent supporter of iese ngine i : * * ce signed an American merchant marine. His City OF RAYVILLE Same Same 389,750. Same policies for selling and scrapping the ships of the board are sound.