The unmatched simplicity of the Fair- banks-Morse Diesel is also carried out in the control mechanism. A single hand-wheel—at the right in the illustration above—starts, stops and reverses the engine. A quarter turn to the right from the “stop” position sends the engine full speed ahead. A similar turn to the left sends the engine full speed astern. In other words, when the engine is running full speed in one direction, a half-turn of a single hand- wheel gives full speed in the opposite direction. After the engine is running, the speed can be finely graduated by the other imple Control that matches the fine simplicity of this engine hand-wheel which regulates the gov- ernor setting. All in all, the control is simpler than that of a steam engine and equally rapid! From full speed ahead of the engine to full speed astern requires less than ten seconds. This simple control is also ideally adapted to remote control, which places the entire manipulation of the craft in the hands of the pilot. Naturally this speeds up maneuvering and reduces the hazard that exists when signals must be transmitted to the engineer in docking. Also, it allows the engi- neer to center his entire attention on the machinery. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Chicago Branches and service stations in principal ports FAIRBANKS - MORSE DIESEL ENGINES O F 7 AE PRODUCT EXPERIENCE A987—AOA27.17 Ee ee ee ee) APRS Mee a.