62 Modern River Dredge Is Launched The Rodgers Sand Co. recently wit- nessed the launching of its giant sand and gravel dredge from the Dravo Contracting Co.’s ways at Neville is- land. The launching took place at noon, when Miss Ruth Rodgers, daugh- ter of W. B. Rodgers Jr., president and general manager of the company, christened the new addition to the MARINE REVIEW of the Dravo Contracting Co.; R. M. Dravo, J. H. McCrady, J. Frank Tilley, secretary of the Pittsburgh Coal exchange, and friends were pres- ent. Luncheon was served later in the pavillion in Dravo park. The new sand digger is 145 feet long, 38 feet wide It will dig to a depth of 45 feet and will be equipped with 86 cast iron buckets. The new digger when completed will be one of the most modern of its kind. July, 1926 Order Diesel Engines for Diesel Electric Ferries The American Brown Boveri Elec- tric Corp., Camden, N. J., has placed an order with the New London Ship & Engine Co., New London, Conn., for 12 diesel engines. This com- pany on June 2 received an order for six diesel electric ferryboats for the Erie Railroad Co. and the engines are intended for this order. Rodgers fleet CAPTAIN, in honor of her late grandfather, Capt. W. B. ‘Rodgers wlio was known as the dean of the rivers. F. R. Dravo, president R. L. Tomlinson has succeeded W. O. Whitney as sales manager of the Bruswick-Kroeschel Co. The Italian shipyard Stabilimento Technico at Trieste is to build a 24,- 000-ton liner for the Lloyd Sabaudo. Ocean Freight Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Quotations Corrected to June 18, 1926 on Future Loadings NOTE: FREIGHT RATES STEADY WITH BUSINESS SLOW New York Cotton General cargo ttFinished REMARKS _ From North Pacific Lumber to Grain Provisions (H. D.) Flour cu. ft. 100 lbs. steel Freight Offered Ports to Per m. t. Liverpool...... Is 9d $0.50 $0.30 0.20 $0.40 $0.75 $7.00T Dull San Pirancisco... 2k, ae $4.00 to 5.00 ondonsanic ss 1s 9dt 0.50 Ras 0.20 0.40 0.75 7.00T Dull South California......... 4.00 to 5.00 Oslo Sicehatpouy ents eters £0 13 0.45 0.50 0.27 0.42% 0.85 7.00T Slow Hawaiian Islands........ 9.50 to 10.50 Copenhagen... 0.13 0.45 0.40 0.26 0.42% 0.85 7.00T Slow New Zealand ore 16.00 to 18.00 Hamburg...... OTS 0.35 0.40 0.20 0.37% 0875 8.00T Fair Sydneyiinices cee 13.00 to 13.50 Bremen @ieeewle 0 14 0.35 0.40 0. 18 0.37% 0.75 8.00T Good Melbourne-Adelaide eye tase 13.00 to 14.00 dam and i Poe OS 0.3234 0.45 0.18 0.35 0.70 7.50T ie aes ponte Antwerp...... 0.11 0.32% 0.35 0.20 0.35 0.70 7.50T Quiet Meeehie 13.00 ae 14.50 Havre: ieee ces 0.11 0.50 0.35 0.27% 0.40 0275 8.00T Very slow aaah Afriéa Peas ye sey aE 16.50 a 18.00 Bordeaux...... 0.11 0.50 0.35 0.27% 0.40 0.75 8.00T Very slow Chee eee 14.00 a 15.00 Barcelona..... eS 12.00T 0.30 10.00 —12.00T— 8.00 to 15.00T Slow Uaited Rivsden CKO a att 755 15 Bhs : HsHOM sce cs 0.20 0.65 0.40 7.00T —20.00T— 7.00T Fair Unica Ringdou (tics) i: 70s to 80s Marseilles. .... 0.15 0.55 0.30 6.00 —20.00T— 5.00T Slow Bltiiaee Reccen oae Me $10 00 to 11.00 Genoa........ 0.17 12.50 0.40 7.00 —20.00T— 10.00T Fair Binciae ance a N ee A Naples........ 0.17 12.50 0.40 7.00 —20.00T— 10.00T Fair OG Serene aes eon eae Constantinople. 0.27 17.00T 0.75 0.42 —20.00T— 9.00T Good ; ee ee : ace Alexandria..... 17.00T 0.75 0.42 —20.00T— 9.00T Good Flour arid Wheat Algiers........ 0.75 0.50 0.40 —20.00T— 10.00T Poor U- K. and Continent Dakar........ se 15.00 14.00T —24.00T— 10.50T Good 4 (etoas ton)... ++. sss see 30s to 31s ES 9.00T 18.00 13.00T PO OOT 1d 01s 18 WOT Very eecd ee Buenos Aires... ates 20.00T vied 20 -00T Tt 8.00T Very slow **Riode Janeiro 22.00T 8.00T 20.00 to 22.00T¢ 7.00to7.70Tt Very slow Pernambuco... sepa 22.00T 9.00T —22.00T—T O70 T Tf Very slow Havana....... 0.2214* 0.50 Bae 0.30* 0.61* 1.33* 4.00* Fair Vera Cruz..... 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.52% ~=1.05 0.30 to 0.35 Fair Valparaiso..... 1.07 0.70 0.45 0.80 10.00T Fair San Francisco. . 0.35 to 0.70 SRS 0.50 to 1.10 aaa See 0.25 to 0.80 Fair Sydney........ 18.00T 1.25 1.18T 18.00-24.00T 9.00-12.00T Light Calcutta... 3). liners 0.45 10.00T —16.00T— 10.00T Fair T—Ton. }Per quarter of 480 lbs. fLanded. {f{Heavy products limited in length. *Extra charge for wharfage, Plus $0.50 surcharge on all rates to Rio de Janeiro on account of congestion. Nore: Tourist®trade to France very good at]this time. Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom 8 d Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom.. 18 3 Pig iron, United Kingdom to New York 1 DE By Mi Coal, South Wales to Near East....... — - Madelphia cng aie. Seek oak . é i —- - aa ee on é va ae Coal, United Kingdom to Buenos Aires... — ~ Iron ore, Bilbao to Cardiff. ...3....... De (0) per barrel. Owing to the coal Manganese Ore, Poti to Philadelphia... $3.85 Iron ore, Huelva to Phila. or Balto...... 10 6 stoppage in Britain no outward freight rates or bunker prices for coal or pig iron are quoted. Bunker Prices At New York At Philadelphia Other Ports Coal Fuel oil Diesel engine Coal Fuel oil i i alongside alongside oil alongside trim. in bunk slsnende rae * ey ore cs REE per ton per barrel per gallon per ton per barrel per gallon arrel..... Anes, Per ns Aug. 17, 1925 5.00@6.00 1.71% 5.50c Sept. 19,1925 5.25@5.50 1.55@1.6 Oe Oa aitan Bade eel ne See ie Bs0g6.00. 17154 © 5.00 Oe. 3123320 1-7ise@i 745% 2585.65 ACR Sar ena ip eee Rov Ye ne 3 80s. 60 17052 200 Dect 18 Er 3 1B gs en ae Br Biv. June ” 11—Cardiff, “coal, per ° eevee . ° . . « 19, eeee . ie . fe 89 5 s ? rts x Dee. 18.1055: 35.00 1.704% 5.00 Jan. 20...... 5.50@6.25 1.71@1.79" 50005. 63 tender cect PRO eae an, 2....... 5.50@6.25 1.75@1.80 5.25 Feb; 18.6.3... 5.80 1.78@1.86% 5.14@5.50 Antwerp, coal, per ton. .—s —d ar. 18..... 5.60@5.80 1.8014 5.50 Mar. 18..... 5.00@5.25 1.80@1.8634 5.40@5.65 Antwerp, Fuel oil, perton 77s 6d a 3 38@s.60 | 80g 5.88 fe ee a Sis eee Antwerp, Diesel oil, per ecene . . . . ay : iy ezanatee ss 2 i 6. A ’ > June 18, 1926 5.50@5.60 1.8014 6.08 June 18, 1926 4.90@5.15 1 B0@1. 863 6 186.45 rics por Fucl oil) 72 eg British ports, Diesel oil. .87s 6d