July, 1926 MARINE REVIEW Marine Review The National Publication Covering the Business of [| 2]THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY WATER = —— a = — —— . == Published monthly by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. Cleveland Office, Penton Bldg. H. Cole Estep, Vice President A. H. Jansson, Editor J. D. Pease, Advertising Director F. V. Cole, Circulation Manager H. O. Taylor R. C. Coursen Boston Office, 1037 Old South Bldg. H. R. Simonds Chicago Office, 1147 Peoples Gas Bldg. E. C. Barringer New York Office, 220 Broadway, Joseph Fuller, Eastern Representative E. C. Kreutzberg B. K. Price Pittsburgh Office, 2148 Oliver Bldg. S. H. Jasper W. H. Lloyd San Francisco Office, 24 California St. Don Partridge Washington, D. C. Office, 401 Westory Bldg. Fred B. Pletcher London Office, 2-3 Caxton House, Westminster, S. W. 1 Vincent Delport Subscription United States and _ its possessions, $3 per year; Canada $4.00; Great Britain and other Foreign Countries, £1:0:0. Single copies 35 cents. Back numbers over three months 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. supplies the trade with MARINE REVIEW through the regular channels of the American News Co. European Agent, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Member, the Audit Bureau of Circula- tions, Associated Business Papers, Inc. and the National Publishers Association. En- tered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1926 by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. Transportation by Water FOUNDED 1878 CONTENTS Vol. 56 July 1926 No. 7 Congress Cannot Reach Agreement................ 15 Diesel Ferry for St. Lawrence.............ccccccccses 16 Reduce Paper Work for ShipS................ccccccccee 1% By V. G. Iden Can Lake Levels Be Restored.............000........005 20 By C. McKay Build Efficient River Terminals..................... 21 By J. F. Froggett Side Haul Railway Dry :-D0cK.....0.2000.72045..% 23 Low Lake Levels Reduce Income.................... 25 By Herbert C. Sadler, D. Sc. Increase Capacity of State Ferries.................... at Dwight True Free. Libraries: for Sips: ....:.5.c.s040005.0 28 From the Old Log: Book...:5 nc. ai ee 30 Photographs of Marine Activities.................... 31 Equipment Used Afloat, Ashore........................ 32 Dock Management Progress—Terminal at Oak- land Attracts: Trade. gin 33 By W. H. Schetter Delaware Bridge to Open July 4...........0........ 35 By Russell Byron Williams Malolo Launched at Cramps.....ic.0.00:0.00.00 ceo By E. C. Kreutzberg Whats Doing Around the Lakes........................ 44 What the British Are Doing............23... 46 Personals, H. B. Gay, Francis Hodgkinson........ 52 Marine Business Statistics, Ports.....................6 58 Maritime Law, Late Decisions.................:0+ 61 By Harry Bowne Skillman Ocean Freights and Bunker Prices.................... 62 Marine Disasters Summarized..................cccccecee 64 Recent Sales of Ships...3....0).0. 36500 ee! | SN