MARINE RE VIE W August, 1926 The Register of Westinghouse Diesel-Electric Propelled Ships ORE significant than many | 4 . pages of print is the simple | fn 4 7 XN record of Westinghouse Diesel- ) | Lo ; i Electric propulsion installations. Over eighteen thousand shaft horsepower, serving twenty-nine ships in every class of service, is a record without parallel in the industry. Such remarkable acceptance can be based only up- on the proved dependability and economy of Westinghouse equip- ment. Westinghouse Diesel-Electric Propelled Ships This list includes only those ships equipped with Westinghouse Diesel-Electric propelling machinery. Many non-self-propelled dredges equipped with Westinghouse electric auxiliary power are excluded, as are Westinghouse turbine-electric propelled ships. Year of Name Type of Year of Name Type of ' Installation of Ship Service S.H.P. Installation of Ship Service S.H.P. 1920 Elfay Yacht 90 1924 Kanawah : Towboat 60 1921 Guinevere Yacht 550 1925 General Tanker 350 1922 Alcyone Yacht 350 1926 Milton S. Patrick Tug 430 1922 Poughkeepsie Ferry | 300 1926 Port Houston Fireboat 720 1922 Valero II Yacht 215 1926 P.R.R. No. 18 Tug 575 1923 A. MacKenzie Hopper Dredge 1600 1926 John W. Stewart Tug me 1923 W. L. Marshall Hopper Dredge 1600 1926 ‘Aloh 1923 Dan C. Kingman Hopper Dredge 1600 ae Yacht 640 1923 Cutty Sark Yacht 150 7246 P.R.R. No, 26 Tug 575 1923 Wm. T. Rossell Hopper Dredge 1600 1926 No Name Drill Tug 250 1923 Naldnah Yacht 60 1926 Steel Electrician Cargo Ship 750 1923 J. B. Battle Towboat 200 1926 No Name Drill Tug 250 1924 J. W. Van Dyke Tanker 2300 1926 Richlube Tanker 350 ° 1924 P.R.R. No. 16 Tug 575 1926 Wicomico Tug 575 1924 J. H. Senior Tanker 455 1926 No Name Tug 575 Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company East Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Sales Offices in All Principal Cities of the United States and Foreign Countries Westinghouse Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers